Plans for the Northern Line Extension are progressing quickly.
In order to ensure that Lambeth Council secures the best possible outcome from the NLE and minimises any negative impact on residents and businesses both during the construction phase and once it is operational the Council has appointed technical consultants. Ramboll have extensive experience on major tunnelling projects including Crossrail and will advise on all issues related to both design and implementation.
Ramboll are undertaking a review of the design work completed up to this point by TfL and Lambeth Council has asked them to give particular consideration to some key areas such as
noise and vibration, shaft locations and construction methodology.
To ensure that Ramboll are able to concentrate on the right areas the Council has organised a meeting with residents and resident groups on Monday 10 September in the Ashmole Tenant’s Hall, Meadow Road, SW8 1AA.
As the NLE route covers a large area and spans three Wards it is proposed that the agenda of the meeting would be divided geographically between Prince’s, Oval and Stockwell allowing people to come and go for the parts that concern them. It will run from 6pm to 9pm with roughly an hour given to each Ward with Prince’s dealt with first followed by Oval and then Stockwell.
Prince's ward issues will be dealt with between 6pm and 7pm. An agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting giving the exact timings and these will be based on the relative interest shown for each area. Please note that TfL have not been invited to this meeting.
Please bear in mind that this meeting will have a clear focus on detailed issues such as noise and vibration, shaft locations and construction methodology - not the overall principle of whether or not to go ahead with the NLE.
If you would like to attend this meeting please email
William Howe.
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