A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Support the fantastic Friends of Kennington Park

Yesterday was the AGM of the Friends of Kennington Park, and a celebration of the tenth anniversary of the group.

It's been another really successful year, with the Friends bringing more additional investment and planning more ambitious projects to improve the park.

This year that has included raising more than £2000 to clean and restore the war memorial, introducing three new benches, new signage and nesting boxes for birds and bats.

The Friends have also embarked on an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund to restore the historic flower garden, and will be contributing to Lambeth Council's 10 year masterplan for the park.

The Friends are always looking for new members and people willing to volunteer their time with various projects - be they gardening, fundraising, administration, or any positive project to enhance the park. Please join as a member at their website.

At yesterday's meeting Kate Hoey MP suggested that the Friends assist residents around Kennington Green in trying to improve that small green space - we hope this suggestion might be taken up!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Vote tomorrow for a fairer London

Thursday 3 May is election day in London.

You have three votes in this election:

  • For the Mayor of London - pink ballot paper. Labour's candidate is Ken Livingstone. Please use your first or second preference for Ken.
  • For Lambeth's London Assembly Member - yellow ballot paper. Labour's candidate is Val Shawcross. Please vote for Val.
  • For a party for the London Assembly - orange ballot paper. Please vote Labour.
You don't need your polling card to vote - you just need to give your name and address. 

Polls are open 7am to 10pm.

If you make a mistake on your ballot paper, return it and ask for another.

If you have a postal vote which you haven't yet posted back, you can take it to the polling station.

If you have any questions or want to volunteer to help Labour please call the Labour campaign hotline on 020 7787 0573.

Polling stations:

For people who live on the Ethelred Estate, Ethelred Towers, Whitgift Estate, Parliament View, 216 Kennington Road, Hotspur Street.


For people who live on the Vauxhall Gardens Estate, and anywhere between Black Prince Road and Kennington Lane.


For people who live around Walcot Square, Wincott Street, Chester Way, Renfrew Road, and Cotton Gardens.


For people who live on the Cottington Close Estate, Penwith Manor Estate, Kennings Way Estate, and around Cleaver Square, Methley Street and Stannary Street.
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL