A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Letter from Lib Peck about Vauxhall Bus Station

To the Chair of the Kennington, Oval & Vauxhall Forum

Dear Malcolm

I wanted to reassure you that the views expressed at last week’s meeting have been relayed to me, and I understand the concerns and priorities of your  members and others who attended the meeting.

I believe we share the same goals for  Vauxhall – to make it a thriving district centre and the gateway to Nine Elms  on the South Bank, underpinned by  excellent transport connections. This is the Council’s adopted planning policy. The question is, how is this achieved?

Transport for London,(TfL), is responsible for managing and maintaining the capacity on this strategic part of the road network in London, so the traffic interchange has to work, especially for buses. No changes can go forward at the expense of the transport interchange. There is considerable technical analysis underway to establish whether the gyratory can be made to work two way and to understand the consequences of achieving this, if this is what is ultimately agreed. The programme for this work was shared with KOV last week. There will be no final decisions in relation to this for several months.

TfL have advised the Council that the traffic modelling results, that will assess whether or not two way working is possible, will be available at the end of February. If it is possible, then we will look further at what that will mean for the design of the district centre and the interchange arrangements, including the bus station. As part of this process, we will be preparing a design framework for the district centre that takes the policy within the Vauxhall Supplementary Planning document to a more detailed level of implementation. Things are changing within the Vauxhall area, as we have seen from the new shops and restaurants that have come, now
that there is a wider awareness of the Council’s ambitions. This change will continue with the implementation of Vauxhall Square and other exciting developments that the Council has supported.

The workshop next week, (29th January), will provide a useful starting point for this conversation and will help shape future consultation. At the workshop we will be sharing the results of the traffic modelling thus far, what the volume of users by mode has been, and discussing the issues and opportunities that the district centre and two-way working present.

It is essential that full and meaningful consultation follows this first stage of technical investigation, and the council passed a motion to this effect at the beginning of last week. There is clearly a challenge to TfL, and  the Council, to demonstrate that any options or proposals will improve the existing situation, and not make it worse. However, I would also ask that you keep an open mind about the potential benefits that change might bring. These need to be articulated through the process so that everyone can come to a view.

Yours sincerely

Councillor Lib Peck
Leader, London Borough of Lambeth

Our campaign to save Kennington Park Post Office

This weekend we've joined our Oval Labour colleagues to talk to residents to encourage them to feed into the Post Office consultation and sign our petition.

Labour members were out in force yesterday morning outside the Post Office talking to concerned residents.

Many of our elderly residents are worried about how they will get to Camberwell to get their pensions.  Kennington Park post office is a busy post office and valued by local residents.

Have your say in the consultation

You can share your views on the proposal through an online questionnaire.  When entering the site you will be asked to enter the code for this branch: 01600799.

Dates for local public consultation:

Local public consultation starts: 6 December 2013
Local public consultation ends: 28 February 2014

Proposed month of change: May 2014

Sunday 19 January 2014

New playground for Mountain House

Following consultation with the TRAs and representatives from the Vauxhall Gardens and Black Prince Estates in October and November 2013, the final proposals for the play area between Mountain and Sullivan Houses are shown on the drawing above.

The proposals reflect all the amendments requested by residents during this consultation and focus the works on the refurbishment of the play area site. The new play equipment and layout of the play area is fully inclusive and sustainable.

The new play equipment has been delivered to the contractor and works will be programmed to start on site in February and complete before the end of March 2014.

The contractor will create a compound area on the site but will need vehicular access to the compound from Vauxhall Street via the Sullivan House entrance.

If you require further information, please contact the North Area Housing Office  northarea@lambethliving.org.uk or telephone 020 7926 6000.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Friends of Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green

Have your say about how the Green is run……

Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green (the Green) is a wonderful community open space bounded by Lambeth Walk, Fitzalan Street, Lollard Street and Kennington Road. It also includes the nature garden outside Roots & Shoots on Fitzalan Street.

If you live or work in those streets, the Ethelred Estate or in other nearby roads and premises you will already know that the Green is a lovely natural space for us all to enjoy. But it needs to be treasured and kept that way.

It was saved from the threat of development some ten years ago and now has mature trees, some wild flower areas, a children’s playground and extensive grassed areas. It is used by local families and schools, by dog owners and many others who enjoy it as an oasis of nature and calm near the busy centre of London.

Whilst the status of the Green is now protected and recognised by the London Borough of Lambeth, it still needs to be maintained and developed to ensure it remains the safe and attractive shared place it is intended to be.

With extensive new developments ongoing on the old Lilian Baylis site and proposed on Lollard Street (as well as others nearer the river) it is important that existing and new local residents’ views are foremost in protecting and guiding the future of the Green.

How you can get involved…

The LWDG Friends Group is currently being re-formed by some local residents and users of the Green. It will be important to get as wide involvement as possible. If you would like to get involved in any way please get in touch. Involvement can range from just keeping informed by newsletters and providing feedback to more active participation in representing views to and working with the local authority or helping to organise events. To get in touch so you can be included:

Friends of Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green
c/o Roots & Shoots
Walnut Tree Walk
SE11 6DN

Email: lwdoorstepgreen@gmail.com with any comments and your contact details

Pictured: local councillors Lorna, Steve and Mark at the Green

Maureen Johnston MBE

As you may know Maureen died on the afternoon of 28 December 2013.

Maureen Johnston MBE was well known to us as a prominent and active resident of our ward, but also because her energy, enthusiasm and passion for improving our local area was enormously appreciated by residents, local groups, and by all of us at Lambeth Council who had the privilege to work with her over her decades of almost full time voluntary work. Maureen's passion for justice and fairness was indefatigable, and ensured that she consistently and persistently strove to represent our community at all levels across Lambeth and Southwark.

Maureen was always available, approachable and keen to discuss any opportunities to work together to help local improvements and initiatives give their best to the local community. She was a lovely lady who will be sorely missed on so many levels.

From 4:30-6:30 on the 23rd there will be a community get together for Maureen to be held in Kennington at Amici's Restaurant ( 205-209 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QS )  This is not so much a formal memorial service, as an opportunity for local friends and family to come together and remember all the wonderful things Maureen has done for the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall community.

Maureen has requested that friends and family make a donation to Trinity Hospice in lieu of sending flowers.


Pictured: Maureen (left) with councillors at a community event at Waterloo Action Centre
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL