A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Thursday 24 October 2013

Photos from the opening of Old Paradise Gardens

The fountains are turned on!

The new gates are opened! They includes inscriptions from gravestones in the park, and details of plants found in the Gardens.

A walnut tree is planted.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Residents say no to Fire Authority's dodgy developer

Residents of the Whitgift Estate and beyond have reacted angrily to the London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA)'s decision to continue working with their completely discredited development partner (Native Land) for their plans for the fire brigade sites behind 8 Albert Embankment.

In May the Planning Inspector threw out Native Land's scheme on the grounds it would unacceptably reduce light to Whitgift House and Whitgift Street. This was after a sustained campaign from local residents, supported by local councillors, Kate Hoey and Lambeth's Planning Committee.

The developer has ignored local concerns about light, local businesses, and affordable homes. It claimed that the development would not be viable if it included affordable housing, but has refused to reveal details of the secret deal cooked up between them and LFEPA, which is believed to involved a figure of £40 million.

Residents and councillors recently met with a fire brigade official to explain that the community has no confidence in Native Land and that they must employ a new development partner and start afresh if they want engagement from the local community.

LFEPA have ignored this demand - Native Land have put together a new proposal for the sites. They attempted to exhibit their new plans this evening - but local residents protested outside the sham consultation meeting.

Pictured: Maddy Howatson, Joanne Simpson, David Amos and Eileen Bagge outside the Fire Brigade

Garden Museum redevelopment consultation

Garden Museum
30 October 2013
12:00 – 20:30

The Garden Museum has an exciting £6.8 million building project planned. They would like to invite you to a free event so they can hear what you think of the designs.

They have more and more visitors from overseas but we would like to increase visits from our neighbourhood.

Come and meet our curators - see some of the 70 works of art that they have bought recently, and tell them what else you would like to see in the future. Award winning architects Dow Jones will be there to tell you about their plans for the new building, and listen to your thoughts. The Museum's project team will be on hand to answer your questions.

Children will have a chance to create their own artwork and join in a treasure hunt.

The Garden Cafe will provide a special lunch menu, with options for children.

A free drinks reception will take place from 18:30 - 20:30.

Come by and pick up your Neighbours card, which allows you free entry to the Museum. To find out more and to download the programme for the day, please visit:


or contact Sarah Batten
020 7401 8865

Garden Museum, 5 Lambeth Palace Road, SE1 7LB (next to Lambeth Palace)

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Lollard Street Adventure Playground open afternoon

The Kennington Association is inviting everyone to an Open Afternoon, 3pm till 6pm at Lollard Street Adventure Playground, to mark its reopening on the 28 October. The project will open from 10am till 4pm during half term and will then open for Thursdays and Fridays after school from 3.30pm to 6.30pm.

Monday 21 October 2013

Grand opening of Old Paradise Gardens this Thursday!


Formerly known as Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground

Lambeth High Street, London SE11

Thursday 24 October 2013 - 4pm – 5pm

Come join The Friends of Old Paradise Gardens as we celebrate the completed renovations of the park
Kate Hoey MP will turn on the new fountain

Adam Thomas Landscape Architect will open the new entrance gate

Randall Contracting will plant a Walnut Tree


Fabulous Raffle Prizes to be won donated by local businesses
(Tickets can be obtained at £1 from 3.30pm till 4.45pm on the day)
• EDF London Eye: Two Adult & Two Children’s Tickets
• Novotel Hotel: Weekend Stay including Breakfast
• Knights of Mayfair: Smoked Salmon Gift Box
• Finecrown Patisserie: Gift Box
• Zeitgeist Pub: £30 Meal/Drinks Voucher
• Embankment Grocery: £25 Voucher
• The Windmill Pub: £20 Voucher and others !

The Friends Group protects, enhances and promotes the park with the help of the local community. New members are always welcome. From £3 yearly membership. More information on how you can help:
Email: secretary@oldparadisegardens.org

Saturday 5 October 2013

Play streets

Play streets have proved very popular in other parts of the country including Bristol and Hackney and we are certain they will prove as popular in Lambeth.

Play streets allow parents to reclaim their streets to promote play activities for their children and to make their streets more enjoyable places to live!

The Play Street project aims to promote play amongst young people in Lambeth in their own street, ensuring a safe environment free of cars in which to have fun. They allow young children to play near their own home and give them the space they need to play energetically.

Play streets can also provide a range of benefits to the community such as providing exercise and improving the health and wellbeing of children. Play streets can play a valuable role in bringing streets together and building communities.

For more information on play streets please visit the Play London website.

Apply now for a temporary play street order, which allows you to close your street for up to three hours per week or month.

Application process

If you want to apply to become a play street, the first step you need to take is to talk to your neighbours and explain exactly what you want to do.

When you're speaking to them bear in mind that the street won't be closed completely: residents can still drive to and from their homes. You will also need to recruit friends and neighbours to help on the day - there has to be someone at each end of the street to warn cars.

If you feel there is sufficient support for a play street amongst your neighbours then please complete the application form and submit it to Streetworks@lambeth.gov.uk.

If you need support in completing this form, or any other information, please contact Tony Fellowes - TFellowes@lambeth.gov.uk or 020 7926 0206.

Pictured: If residents of Oakden Street would like to become a Play street they just need to fill in a form!
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL