A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Friday 30 December 2011

Sweeping schedule for Prince's ward

Many residents ask how frequently their street is supposed to be cleaned by the Council. We thought the map above might be of interest.

The street cleaning team say:

All roads are litter-picked on Monday, Wednesday and Friday apart from the ones that are swept every day. None of the roads are swept on weekends. Please note that these schedules do not apply during the leafing season where we attempted to sweep roads more frequently and litter-picked less frequently.

Monday 19 December 2011

Major crackdown underway to drive out housing cheats

Lambeth Council is launching a major crackdown against illegal sub-letting across the borough.

Fraud investigators will knock on the doors of hundreds of properties over the coming months to uncover tenants who illegally sub-let, and will take legal proceedings to boot them out.

The action, in partnership with Lambeth Living, will free up desperately needed homes for people who genuinely need them.

Illegal subletting is where the registered tenant does not live at the property but rents it out for profit on the private market, and deprives people on the council’s housing waiting list, and in genuine need, of a permanent home.

Around 60 properties were recovered last year from illegal sub-letters in Lambeth, but the practice is believed to be more widespread, so the council and Lambeth Living aim to double that amount this year by carrying out more visits and investigations, and better intelligence sharing.
The initiative follows a successful pilot undertaken during September and October on the Springfield and Briant estates, in the north of the borough where around four per cent of the properties were found to be illegally sub-let.

Checks at the two estates have to date uncovered fifteen suspected fraudulent tenancies. In three of these cases the properties have been handed back to the council - voluntarily. Five of the outstanding cases have already been put in the hands of the council’s lawyers to take legal action, and investigations continue on the remaining seven cases.

The penalty for anyone subletting their home is severe and final. Tenants who sublet their property will lose their tenancy and the illegal tenants will be evicted.

Councillor Lib Peck, Lambeth Council cabinet member for housing and member of the Lambeth Living board said: 'This is not a victimless crime - housing tenancy fraud costs Lambeth dearly. It deprives people on the housing waiting list and who are in genuine need of housing, of a permanent and safe roof over their head. It means that people are leap-frogging the waiting list and tying up badly needed homes, and we will put a stop to that'.

Deputy cabinet member for housing, Cllr. Christopher Wellbelove commented: 'I know from my casework on local estates that illegal subletting is a problem that genuine tenants want tackled, as well as families who are weary of being on the waiting list for a permanent home. Council housing is a precious resource – and these homes should be available for people who really need them'.

If anyone knows of a property they suspect is being illegally sub-let, they should call the Fraud Hotline on 0207 926 1111. All calls will be handled in the strictest confidence

Cabinet Gallery planning application for Lord Clyde site

The people behind the Cabinet Gallery proposal have just submitted their planning application for the Lord Clyde site on Tyers Street/Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. They plan to create a pavilion-type building housing a modern art gallery, and have gone to great efforts to consult with local groups like the Friends of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. Do take a look at their letter and application and comment if you would like to.

Dear Friend,

We would like to take this opportunity to update you on exciting progress with our proposal for a new gallery at Spring Gardens. It is our wish to come home to Lambeth and re-establish the Cabinet Gallery in the borough at Tyers Street, Vauxhall. Over the past 18 months we have undertaken a comprehensive amount of work, aimed at producing a building to accommodate Cabinet’s activities and sit comfortably with the local environment. The building will be located on the northeast corner of Spring Gardens, Tyers Street, opposite Vauxhall City Farm. The gallery will be arranged over the ground and first floors with three private residential apartments above. There will also be accommodation for artists.

Having consulted widely, and secured the support of local representatives and local community members, as well as the Friends of Spring Gardens, we recently submitted our formal planning application to Lambeth Council. For the application to be successful it will require a clear demonstration of support from local people and we would be extremely grateful if you would write a short email about this by clicking - http://planning.lambeth.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_detailview.aspx?caseno=LSNETOBO0AY00 For information, the council’s consultation on our application is targeted to end on 26th December.

We are delighted to have the opportunity of establishing our gallery in Vauxhall and want to move ahead as soon as possible. All being well, we hope to have been granted planning permission by early in 2012, commence a ten-month construction next Spring and open the new gallery in Autumn 2013.

We would greatly appreciate you giving your support and would of course be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Asprey

Andrew Wheatley

Martin McGeown

Thursday 1 December 2011

Nominate a road or pavement for renewal

It is that time of year when the council is putting together the list of roads and pavements that will be renewed/repaired in the coming financial year. With this in mind local Labour councillors are asking whether you think any road/pavement in the borough should be included.

The Council will then send round an engineer to score the road/pavement and will add it to the list of roads/pavements to be repaired. As with previous years it will only be the roads/pavements that score the worst that will be included in the programme. Whatever the outcome for our area we will send you the full list of roads/pavements that make the shortlist once it is announced next year so you can see what the council will be doing with your money.

Please send Cllr Steve Morgan your suggestions by 8 December and he will ensure that they are looked at.

Transport for London is responsible for the big roads in the area such as Kennington Road, Kennington Lane, Kennington Park Road and Albert Embankment. If you wish to nominate one of these roads then feel free, but it will be up to TfL to repir them and not Lambeth Council.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Open Days

Come and find out more about the largest area of central riverside redevelopment in London:

At Market Towers, 1 Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, SW8 5NQ

On Thursday 24 November 2011, 3pm to 8pm and Friday 25 November 2011, 8am to 6pm

What to expect:

· The latest information about the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea (VNEB) redevelopments.

· An update on the Northern line extension that will link the whole area to the tube network.

· A chance to know more about proposed improvements for pedestrians, cyclists and local public transport users.

· Information about planned improvements to existing streets and a new linear park.

· A 3D model of the whole VNEB area.

· An opportunity to discuss proposals with the VNEB strategy board.

For more information visit: www.lambeth.gov.uk/vneb or www.wandsworth.gov.uk/nineelms

Sunday 13 November 2011

Remembrance Sunday in Kennington

Hundreds of people took part in Kennington's annual Remembrance Sunday commemoration today.

After parading down Kennington Park Road, members of the Royal British Legion, servicemen, local councillors and residents took part in a service at Kennington Park War Memorial, where wreaths were laid. Councillor Sally Prentice laid a wreath on behalf of Lambeth Council.

This year the War Memorial has been cleaned by the Friends of Kennington Park, and it looked fantastic in the autumn sunshine.

Ethelred tenants vote yes to Watmos

Tenants living on the Ethelred Estate have voted yes to transfer their homes to Watmos, a tenant-owned social landlord.

51% of tenants voted yes to transfer on an impressive 68.5% turnout.

Councillor Mark Harrison lives on the Ethelred Estate and campaigned for a yes vote. He said: 'this is great news for the Estate which secures its future for decades to come'.

'This will unlock millions of pounds of investment into the estate, preserve tenants' rights, keep rents affordable, and enhance tenant management'.

Mark spoke about the stock transfer at Lambeth Council's meeting on Wednesday, where he praised Watmos' 'unique model of housing ownership which fits in neatly with Lambeth's Cooperative Council agenda.'

Saturday 12 November 2011

Library Commission reports - future of the Durning Library

Lambeth's Library Commission have now published their report and the good news is that the Durning Library is not going to be closing.

We know that some residents have been worried about the library due to the closures of other libraries up and down the country and so we wanted to reassure you that this is not something that the council is considering.

You can download the report from Lambeth's website.

Lambeth Libraries Commission

The Lambeth Libraries Commission was established in May 2011 to undertake a detailed review of the library services within the borough.

On the Durning, the Commission say they 'strongly urge the community to consider the state of the building and the capital investment needed (£750k - £2m) as to whether the existing building is still fit to offer a modern library service and can keep pace with the demands of an increasingly technology based service.'

The report goes on to say that, 'The Commission recommends that citizens are involved in the co-production of a library service at the earliest opportunity. The local community will ultimately make any decisions regarding the relocation of the service.'

The Council’s Response

On 21 November the Cabinet is expected to make recommendations about the Commission Report. The two most important ones for the Durning are:

· Give greater control to communities around each existing library to co-produce their future library service. This includes decisions on which location is the most appropriate place from which to run an accessible and effective service given the resources available. There is no presumption that any area with a library service will lose it.

· Considers transferring library management and/or buildings to community-led organisations in each locality if consultation with local people shows that is the preferred option and if there is local capacity to take on such a commitment.

The council will start a consultation process in the near future on the new model the commission has recommended and I will certainly let you know when that happens so you can participate.

Your local Councillors’ Response

As your local councillors we have been steadfast in our support for maintaining a library in Kennington. We submitted a response to the Commission, which you can view here, and we have been working with other Labour councillors to ensure that the report reflects the hopes of the Durning Library users.

Moving forward, we shall ensure that you are kept informed about the future consultation process. We shall also be working closely with the Friends of the Durning Library to ensure that we can be one of the first areas to make decisions about the kind of service we want in Kennington.

What Kind of Library Do You Want?

As the Cabinet report makes clear the local community will make decisions about the library service in Kennington.

Would you like the library to remain at the Durning, even with £2m worth of improvements needed? Or is there another location you think would be better for a library?

What services should the library offer? Should it only offer the services it currently does or a wider range? Should we seek to move other services in there? Perhaps a cashiers desk to replace the local parking shop and where you can go to pay rent or council tax?

And finally, who should own the library? Should it remain in council ownership or should we convert it into a trust that is owned and operated by the local community? We have just done something similar with the Black Prince Trust so would this work for the Durning?

The Next Steps

If you are interested in the future of a library service in Kennington then you could take the following steps:

Read the commission report and the cabinet papers

· Have a think about all the issues raised in the report and in this email and start to think about what kind of service you want

· Participate in the council consultation and also the local consultations the Friends of the Durning will be running.

· Join the Friends of the Durning Library. If you care about libraries then you should join this worthwhile group. It is only £3 per year. Just pop into the library and ask to join.

Pictured: local councillors Steve Morgan, Lorna Campbell and Mark Harrison have been standing up for the Durning Libary.

Monday 7 November 2011

Thames Tunnel construction will avoid Albert Embankment Gardens

Thames Water have begun Phase 2 of their consultation on the building of their sewage tunnel under the Thames.

This major project will involve a huge temporary construction site at Albert Embankment, between Vauxhall Bridge and Albert Embankment Gardens.

The most important piece of news for our area is that they have accepted Lambeth's suggestion that works access for the site be alongside Lacks Dock (the slipway used by the Ducktours), rather than across Albert Embankment Gardens. This will protect the Gardens and the historic Embankment wall, and minimise disturbance for residents of Peninsular Heights.

Cllr Mark Harrison said 'I'm really pleased that residents and our green space will be protected from disruption by this decision'.

Follow this link to see all the details of the Albert Embankment consultation, including the construction works and the permanent changes to the Embankment around Vauxhall Bridge.

Pictured: Albert Embankment Gardens will not be disfigured by a road for lorries running across it.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Lambeth transfers ownership of Old Lilian Baylis site to the Black Prince Trust

Lambeth Council transferred ownership of 2.4 acres of land to the community on 21October.

Part of the former Lilian Baylis School site in Kennington has been transferred to a new community organisation, the Black Prince Trust (BPT), which will invest over £2 million in improving and extending sports and community facilities on the site. The Trust has received grant and loan funding from the Communitybuilders Fund and will be working in partnership with social enterprise GLL (Greenwich Leisure), the Community Action Zone, and many others to provide a wide range of sports, health and community programmes.

Council Leader Steve Reed explained 'This is the co-operative council in action. The council saves money but more importantly young people gain football and athletics facilities and a wide range of programmes aimed at getting kids active and engaged. The community doesn’t need an underused building costing the council thousands of pounds each year but it does need youth sports and activities to engage local children and give them a place to go.'

Brian Dickens, BPT chairman, said: 'Ownership of the site will allow the Trust to invest in facilities, management, and a long-term sustainable business plan. It will allow us to do what the ‘third sector’ does best: to respond to local needs.'

Kate Hoey MP, BPT trustee and co-chair of the Community Action Zone, said: 'From an abandoned school to the Black Prince Trust has been a remarkable journey. My thanks to all who persevered to make it happen despite huge obstacles. The facilities are not just for young people but for everyone who wants to enjoy the benefits of sport. Now that we control the site we can continue to deliver an even better programme than before.'

Caroline Forster, Communitybuilders Director at the Adventure Capital Fund said:
'We are excited to be able to provide over £2 million from the Communitybuilders Fund to support this significant asset transfer project. We feel the Black Prince Trust will have a real positive impact in their community by providing a range of attractive services and facilities to local people.'

The Black Prince Trust is planning to add
• a new running track
• high jump and long jump facilities
• new 5-a-side football pitches with improved floodlighting
• new changing facilities, a first aid office, and wheelchair accessible toilets
• a new community building incorporating shared workspace for the Trust’s community partners, meeting and training facilities, and a neighbourhood café
• a new gym and wellness facilities.

The site has been used for community programmes since 2005 when Lambeth Council granted the Sport Action Zone (SAZ) a short-term licence while continuing to pay for building maintenance and security. Despite having no security of tenure, SAZ attracted significant funding from companies such as Nike and the Football Foundation. The council continued to work with the Sport Action Zone to find a permanent arrangement that worked for both parties. The offer of intensive support and grant funding from the Communitybuilders Fund has allowed the development of a sustainable business plan and the founding of the Black Prince Trust.

A ‘Community Service Agreement’ tied to the lease requires the Trust to provide a range of programmes that meet local community needs. The Trust will shortly be announcing the first of its ‘open days’ when locals can visit the site, learn about the new and improved facilities, and discuss what programmes they would like in the future.

The Trust has appointed GLL to manage the facilities for an initial 3-year period.

The council has also agreed to sell the other half of the Old Lilian Baylis site (Site B). The Council has exchanged contracts with Henley Homes which intends to refurbish the Listed Buildings and convert them into dwellings and a facility for the local community.

The transaction is subject to planning consent and the Council, at the end of the planning process, expects to obtain a substantial capital receipt that will contribute towards the Council's Capital Programme that is used to fund housing, roads, schools, leisure centres etc.

Furthermore, the Council also expects the scheme to deliver 40% affordable housing for residents of the borough.

Background notes:

1. The 5.7 acre former Lilian Baylis school site is a complex of two and three storey buildings with an open play area. The school is listed grade II as being of architectural or historic interest and is on the Heritage at Risk Register. The school opened in 1964 and ceased to use the site in 2004. The Trust has acquired 2.4 acres of the site including the existing gymnasium building, 2 tennis courts and a football pitch.

2. The North Lambeth and North Southwark Sport Action Zone (SAZ) was one of 12 Sport Action Zones set up in 2000 by Sport England in response to a Government-identified need to engage deprived communities, increase sport participation, address wider social issues through sport, develop partnerships and community capacity, and to act as a test-bed for new initiatives. South Bank Employers’ Group hosted the unincorporated SAZ and provided vital support from 2002 to April 2011.

3. The Black Prince Trust has been founded specifically to run the former Lilian Baylis site as a community facility. It is a registered charity. Under its Articles, at least 50% of trustees must be local residents.

4. The £70m Communitybuilders Fund, previously owned by the Department for Communities and Local Government is now an endowed fund, owned and administered by the Adventure Capital Fund. It supports neighbourhood-based, community-led organisations to become more sustainable through a mixture of loans, grants and business support. The Fund is managed on ACF’s behalf by The Social Investment Business. www.communitybuildersfund.org.uk

5. In June 2010, in response to a SAZ/ South Bank Employers’ Group bid, SIB appointed Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) to prepare a ‘scoping report’ recommending how best to provide intensive support to develop a community hub on the Lilian Baylis site. Working closely with the council, SBEG and SAZ, CSCB carried out intensive business planning, site feasibility and design work, and organisational development culminating in a bid to the Communitybuilders Fund for a capital investment of £2 million (part loan and part grant) to enable the facilities to be improved and extended and to open up the prospect of further investment. A parallel application was made to the Council to transfer part of the site from Lambeth to the new charitable Trust.

6. Secretary of State consent to transfer at less than best market value was secured in June and, on 10 October 2011, the Black Prince Trust was assigned a 125 year lease aligned with a community service agreement setting out the community benefits to be delivered.

Proposed pavement widening & raised entry treatment on Newport Street

As part of an ongoing development of Damien Hirst's new gallery, it is proposed to widen the pavement on the western side of
Newport Street and to introduce a raised entry treatment at the junction with Old Paradise Street to improve “at level” crossing facilities for pedestrians and slow vehicle speeds.

The main change is that the pavement along the front of the art gallery would be widened by approximately 1.6m (it is currently about 1.8m) to allow for some bicycle racks to be installed, allow enough room for queuing visitors and to create a more “impressive” entrance to what the applicant hopes is going to be a high profile and well visited attraction. All works would be entirely at the developer’s expense.

The plans are being sent to homes and businesses in the area, and the plans can be emailed to anybody who is interested. Lambeth Council will be collecting people's views until 18 November.

Local councillors have already asked that work takes place to improve dropped kerbs on Old Paradise Street so that people with wheelchairs and pushchairs can use the pavement more easily, for trees to be planted on Newport Street, for the surface of the raised crossing to be robust enough to stand up to HGVs, and for new street nameplates for all the corners in the area.

Licensing application for 114 Brook Drive

A New application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on the 25th October 2011.

Applicants Name:
Mr Sultan Chaudhery
Premises Address:
Brook Mini Mart - Shop 114 Brook Drive London
Activities/times requested:
New grant premises licence
Supply of Alcohol Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:
Preventing crime and disorder;
Public safety;
Preventing public nuisance; and
Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 22nd November 2011. If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.

Read our guide to licensing here

Monday 17 October 2011

Planning Committee see Whitgift Estate's concerns for themselves

On Saturday morning members of Lambeth's Planning Committee made a site visit to the Fire Brigade HQ and associated buildings which are the subject of a major planning application. Dozens of concerned local residents joined the visit to make their objections to the scheme known.

Residents of Whitgift House showed how the proposed new residential slab blocks would overshadow their building, depriving it of almost all daylight during the winter months. The Friends of Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground explained how shadowing from the new buildings would affect plant and tree growth, and make the new play fountain prone to moss growth. And local councillors Steve Morgan and Mark Harrison explained how putting all the social housing for the scheme into a building on the other side of the railway tracks would contribute to social segregation in the area, and not create a mixed and balanced community.

The application is due to go to the Planning Committee tomorrow evening.

Pictured: participants in the site visit look across to the Whitgift Street site from the back of the Fire Brigade HQ.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Val takes police petition to Vauxhall Gardens

On Saturday Lambeth's London Assembly Member Val Shawcross visited the Vauxhall Gardens Estate to collect signatures for London Labour's petition against Tory police cuts.

Val and her team are campaigning against Tory Mayor Boris Johnson's plan to cut 1800 police officers from London's streets.

The petition got an enthusiastic response from Vauxhall Gardens Estate residents, angry that the Tories are considering cutting the police so soon after this summer's riots

You can sign the petition here.
Pictured: Val with some of her team on Saturday, including Prince's Councillor Steve Morgan

Another Tesco for Kennington

Many people have been asking what is happening to the old bingo hall/cinema building at 216 Kennington Road. Tesco have now revealed that they are planning to open a new Express Store in the summer of 2012.

Despite much speculation as to who would be taking over the site Tesco has only signed the agreement to use the building in the last few weeks.

The site was granted planning permission for retail use in 2008 and was renewed in 2010. Before they open their store Tesco will have to submit a planning application for the signage they will use outside of the store. They will also have to submit a licensing application if they plan to sell alcohol.

The Tesco press release confirming the opening of the store is below.


Tesco is delighted to confirm its interest to open a Tesco Express convenience food store in Kennington Road. at the former bingo hall.

The former bingo hall which has been empty for some time will be converted into eight apartment and an Express.

Carol Leslie, Tesco spokesperson said: 'We think this is an excellent location for a Tesco Express and we are delighted to have secured a lease on these premises.'

The `Express’ is a small convenience food store that focuses on bringing quality, service, value and fresh produce to peoples’ doorsteps.

Carol continued: 'Our Express stores are extremely popular and can bring lots of benefit to the community it serves. Not only will it keep people shopping in the area but is extremely convenient for residents and workers and those people who have no transport or those preferring to shop on foot. We believe it will benefit the area by encouraging people to shop locally and also cut down on car journeys to other shopping areas.'

She added: 'Our Express stores are all about being local, employing local people, serving local people, working with local traders and actively supporting the local community. It will employ around 20 staff.'

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Volunteers deliver leaflet to launch Val's campaign

Over the next couple of weeks Labour volunteers across Prince's ward will be delivering a leaflet which launches Val Shawcross' campaign to be reelected as London Assembly Member for Lambeth and Southwark.

Val has worked hard for this area ever since being first elected to City Hall in 2000. You can read about what Val has been up to on her website, which includes her annual report.

Val is highlighting Boris Johnson's terrible record as Mayor of London, including his plans to cut 1800 police officers, and his decision to raise bus fares by 56%.

If you could spare some time to deliver a few leaflets to your street or block, please get in touch.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Licensing application for the Rose, 35 Albert Embankment

A Variation application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on 30 September 2011

Premises Address:
The Rose - 35 Albert Embankment London SE1 7TL

Activities/times requested:
Vary Premises

Live Music
Saturday: 16:00 - 23:00

Sunday - Friday: 12:00 - 23:00

New Years Eve until 04:00hrs New Years Day. Easter Bank Holiday weekend to increase the terminal hour until 04:00hrs for Thursday, Friday _ Saturday and 02:00 Sunday
May, August _ Whitsun Bank Holiday to increase the terminal hour until 04:00 for the proceeding Friday _ Saturday and 02:00 Sunday.
Christmas Eve _ Boxing Day to increase the terminal hour until 04:00 The opportunity to apply for 15 additional "special event" days.

Recorded Music
Monday - Saturday: 11:00 - 05:00
Sunday: 07:00 - 02:00

Christmas Eve _ Boxing Day to increase the terminal hour until 04:00 The opportunity to apply for 15 additional "special event" days.

Late Night Refreshment
Monday - Saturday: 23:00 - 05:00
Sunday: 23:00 - 02:00

All bank holiday Sundays 23:00 - 0500 for New Years Eve to the starting times of new years day.

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - Saturday: 11:00 - 05:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 02:00

New Years Eve until 04:00hrs New Years Day. Easter Bank Holiday weekend to increase the terminal hour until 04:00hrs for Thursday, Friday _ Saturday and 02:00 Sunday
May, August _ Whitsun Bank Holiday to increase the terminal hour until 04:00 for the proceeding Friday _ Saturday and 02:00 Sunday.
Christmas Eve _ Boxing Day to increase the terminal hour until 04:00 The opportunity to apply for 15 additional "special event" days.

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:

· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 28 October 2011

If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.

Applications for new Premises licences, and variations and reviews of existing ones, will be placed on the Councils website for inspection; the address at which these may be accessed is www.lambeth.gov.uk/Services/Business/LicencesStreetTrading/AlcoholEntertainmentLateNightRefreshment/CurrentApplications.htm

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Snow Wardens scheme

When the winter months arrive Lambeth's gritters work hard to keep our borough's main transport routes and pedestrian areas free from ice and snow.

With our focus on keeping public services and main transport routes running, many quieter residential roads don't get gritted. Because of this, we are offering all our residents and communities the equipment and grit they would need to make a difference in their local area by clearing snow and ice from residential streets.

If you are an individual or part of a community group who is keen to assist others on your road and in your local area and would like to be a part of our Snow Wardens Scheme, please contact us by email SnowWardens@lambeth.gov.uk or telephone 020 7926 0524.

What does the scheme involve?
If you, or a group of you, would like to be able to clear snow from your pavements, we will give you some basic training to keep you safe and supply you with:
-a grit bin and supply of salt (delivered to you)
-hi-visibility vests

If you are part of a community group, we will supply you with a number of shovels and equipment which can be shared by your members. Training sessions will be held during the weeks beginning 10 October and 24 October 2011, with some sessions during the early evening and some during the day. The sessions will be a good opportunity to meet and mix with other snow wardens in your area.

How do I sign up?
To sign up as a volunteer or to simply find out more about the scheme please email SnowWardens@lambeth.gov.uk or telephone 020 7926 0524.

Linear park for Tyers Street

A steering group has formed to make plans for a community-led linear park to be created in Tyers Street, through the Vauxhall Gardens Estate.

The street is currently long and empty, with little traffic, parking, or people.

Councillor Mark Harrison believes it could be transformed into an extension of Vauxhall Spring Gardens.

He's teamed up with other local residents, including the Secretary of VGERTA, who have set up a website calling for initial ideas about the park. Please get in touch!

New playground and ballcourt for Cotton Gardens?

Lambeth Living have submitted their planning application for a new playground and refurbished ballcourt at Hurley House behind the Cotton Gardens Estate. (Located on the corner of Wincott Street & Kempsford Road)

The planning application is for, "Improvement works of existing ball games by installation of new rigid weldmesh ballcourt fencing, new surfacing and goals. Installation of a small play area on existing open space with timber/net/play equipment landscaping, to include timber fence, low vertical bar fence, seating and grassmatt safety surface."

To view the plans and to comment on them you will need to go to the Council's planning database. The reference is 11/02866/RG3.

The project has been driven forward thanks to the hard work of the Cotton Gardens Residents' Association.

Monday 3 October 2011

Green Flag hoisted at Kennington Park

On Saturday Kate Hoey MP had the honour of hoisting the Green Flag awarded to Kennington Park this year.

The Green Flag is a prestigious award, recognising parks with excellent standards. The award is a tribute to the hard work of the Friends of Kennington Park and the park maintenance staff.

Local councillors from all the surrounding wards were out in force to celebrate in the unseasonable hot sunshine.

Submission to the Libraries Commission by Prince’s ward councillors

We want to make the case for the Durning Library to continue providing a library service in its present building.


The Durning has a higher footfall than any of the ‘non-town-centre’ libraries. It is significantly better-used than Carnegie, Minet, Waterloo and South Lambeth libraries. Its footfall (94938) is not far off the footfalls of Clapham (110640) and West Norwood (133440). This is remarkable as the ‘catchment area’ in which most Durning visitors live is pretty tightly drawn around the library, in the immediate Kennington area. This demonstrates that the local Kennington community uses its library to a greater extent than in other areas. It is also a reflection of the high density of this part of central London, with a high population within walking distance, large numbers of crowded flats, and a high level of deprivation.


The Durning is located at Kennington Cross, in the heart of Kennington. It is very prominent and a focal point for the community. It is especially-well served by buses running north-south along Kennington Road.

Unlike the rest of Lambeth, ‘North Lambeth’ does not have a single town centre – it is a collection of centres – Waterloo, Lambeth, Kennington, Vauxhall and South Lambeth. There is no obvious central point which is easily accessible to everybody in the area. The history and high population density of the area explains why there are more libraries, and it would be very difficult to consolidate them into single location. Kennington Cross is the logical focal point for services in our area to be provided at.

Much-loved building

The Durning is an impressive and attractive building, opened in 1889, and providing library services to Kennington ever since. Local people want the library service to continue to be provided in the building. All too frequently councils make the mistake of abandoning historic buildings because they are ‘expensive’ or ‘difficult’ to maintain – underestimating the value which people place on the heritage of their area. The attachment Kennington residents have for their library was demonstrated in 1999 when they launched a vocal and successful campaign to save the library from closure. No doubt residents would be willing to campaign once again, if the library was under threat. To cease providing a library service in the building Jemima Durning gifted to Lambeth 122 years ago would be very sad. Moving library services elsewhere would also leave the Council with a highly-visible listed building empty – the Council would have to find a use for it, and would still face the issue of finding the capital investment it needs.

Willingness and capacity of the community to find a solution

The Durning is extremely fortunate to possess a large, capable, articulate and constructive Friends group, who are ready and willing to work with the Council to find solutions to the issues the library faces. They would be receptive to calls for volunteering, fundraising and Cooperative Council solutions. Local businesses are even seriously working up plans to offer to buy the building from the Council as a community hub. All these options should be seriously considered.

Solutions to the need for capital spending

The biggest issue the Durning faces is its need for significant capital investment, to deal with the backlog of maintenance issues and make the building completely fit for purpose for the 21st century. We believe the Council needs to acknowledge Durning’s needs and find creative solutions to attract investment. The following should be fully explored:

-The Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea development affects parts of Prince’s ward within Durning’s catchment area. The significant developments within the VNEB area should be contributing to the cost of sustaining and improving Lambeth’s local library services, at South Lambeth and Durning. We strongly suggest that South Lambeth and Durning are prioritised as recipients for VNEB investment in community infrastructure.
-As stated above, local businesses have expressed a willingness to explore buying the building as a community asset. This option should be seriously explored, as it could allow external sources of funding to be accessed.
-The issue of the Lambeth Living flat above the library is a challenging one. If a solution could be found, then the option of selling the building to a developer should be explored. The developer could then be responsible for maintaining the fabric of the building, could develop attractive flats upstairs, and be compelled to let the Council continue to provide a library service on the ground floor.
-Prince’s ward and North Lambeth are experiencing more than our fair share of asset sales, which bring the Council significant capital receipts. At the moment, the Beaufoy Institute and the Old Lilian Baylis building are in the process of being sold for significant sums. We fully support this, but believe there is a moral case that our much-valued library building should receive a portion of these large capital receipts. Our residents are having to lose potential community assets, and we think it is right that one of the most valued assets in our community gets the investment it needs in return. As local councillors, we are happy to work closely with officers to identify further unused assets and sites in our area which could be developed and bring in capital receipts to invest in our library.

This submission by Prince's ward councillors is kindly supported by the Friends of the Durning Library.

Friday 23 September 2011

Councillors object to Fire HQ redevelopment

Prince’s ward councillors’ objection to 10/04473/FUL – Fire Brigade HQ redevelopment

We wish to object to this development on the following grounds:

-Proportion of affordable housing. 7% is completely insufficient and far short of Lambeth’s 40% target. We are suspicious of the developer’s claim that any more would make the scheme unaffordable – they have radically revised their scheme on several occasions, having previously said this would be impossible.

-Level of parking spaces. The site has a PTAL level of 6 with excellent access to public transport. There are excellent bus, tube and bike hire services within walking distance and most of central London is walkable from the location. Therefore it should be a car free development. Only parking for the fire brigade, disabled drivers and car club spaces should be provided. The unnecessary 69 parking spaces will significantly increase traffic in the area. Residents of the new buildings should not be entitled to on-street parking permits.

-Location of affordable housing. Building G is entirely affordable housing. This accentuates the division the railway viaduct makes between a wealthy riverside strip of land and the deprived estates to the east of the viaduct. Affordable housing should be located to the west of the viaduct and Building G should contain private housing to create a better mix of housing tenures in both locations. Currently the proposal contravenes the London Plan policy to create mixed and balanced communities.

-Loss of commercial space in Building G. Building G is opposite the shops and pubs of Black Prince Road, and is an obvious place for a ground floor retail/ restaurant unit to contribute to the successful local cluster of businesses operating there. Lambeth’s planning policies do not allow bedrooms on the ground floor in this area because of the risk of flooding.

-We believe the design of Building G is a missed opportunity to create a well-designed and well-proportioned building which will complement the similar-sized heritage buildings around it (the Ragged School, the Queen’s Head, and the Jolly Gardeners).

-We also have serious concerns about the effect on light to Whitgift House. Analysis by GL Hearn commissioned by Lambeth Council clearly states that all but one of the windows tested will transgress the BRE Report guideline values for VSC. All rooms will transgress the BRE report guideline on the first floor, and 10 rooms will transgress the BRE guidelines on the second floor. There are further transgressions on the higher floors. It further states that 28 of 63 windows would not meet the BRE guidelines on Sunlight amenity. These reductions to the daylight and sunlight amenity are considerable and will have a serious impact on the amenity of the residents of Whitgift House.

Whitgift House residents have launched a petition against the scheme - you can sign it here

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Youth Mayor's crime summit

Are you aged 11-19?

Are you concerned about youth crime across the borough?

Well come along to the Lambeth Youth Council Meeting and Youth Crime Summit
Tuesday 11 October, 4.30 – 7.30pm
Assembly Rooms, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton


David Oyedele, Lambeth Youth Mayor says: "The vast majority of young people know that talking and not violence is the best way to influence change, don’t miss out on this opportunity to get your views heard”

• Find out more about the Youth Council and how to get involved
• Meet Lambeth’s Youth Mayor
• Put your questions on youth crime to the council
• Meet Youth Service Providers

To get involved:
Complete our Youth Crime Survey for a chance to win a £25 shopping voucher
Get your ticket at www.yccs.eventbrite.com or via the Lambeth Youth Mayor on Facebook

Refreshments will be available

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Labour launches manifesto for VNEB project

New community funds, better public services, parks and transport schemes are planned.

Lambeth’s Labour Councillors have unveiled our plans to transform the Vauxhall-Nine Elms-Battersea area to ensure local residents get the maximum benefit from the regeneration proposals.

In a draft manifesto, Labour has pledged that we 'will ensure that the necessary infrastructure and public services will be provided for local residents affected by the developments.'

One of the highlights is the plan to develop a new ‘Community Endowment Fund’ of at least £1million which will provide an annual pot of money for local groups to ensure that the benefits of the regeneration continue after the building has finished. In addition, funding that comes from new developments for improving the community will be ring fenced so it can’t be used to subsidise any overspend on the planned Northern Line Extension.

Labour’s Leader in Lambeth, and Co-chair of the VNEB Strategy Board, Cllr Steve Reed said:'We are getting ahead of the curve in announcing these pledges for local people – the first political party to set out a manifesto for Vauxhall Nine Elms. With 16,000 new homes coming to the area we need to be sure that our public services meet the demands of our existing and new residents. We will be engaging with our communities, so they can tell us what they want.'

The draft manifesto will go out for consultation over the next two months. Labour Councillors will be discussing the plans with local people, community groups, residents’ associations, and other key stakeholders.

To improve transport, Labour pledges to support:
· An extended Northern line to run from Kennington to Nine Elms and Battersea· New bus services along Wandsworth Road and Nine Elms Lane.
· A cycle bridge at Pimlico, new boat services, walkways and improved access to the river.
· The extension of the TFL bike hire scheme further South
· Traffic calming measures and improvements to prevent ‘rat runs’ through residential areas.

To improve our open spaces, Labour pledges to:
· Preserve and improve Vauxhall Park, Spring Gardens and Larkhall Park.
· Lobby TfL to remove the Vauxhall gyratory to improve the area for pedestrians and cyclists.
· Ensure that any new tall buildings do not significantly overshadow parks and homes.

In public services and culture, Labour pledges to:
· Create extra school places, doctors, and ensure hospital services are not adversely affected. · Ensure police are not diverted by protecting the new US Embassy.
· Develop new cultural provision in the area, provide extra sports pitches and leisure centres

To support local businesses and jobs, Labour pledges to:
· Ensure developers offer apprenticeships for young residents and the unemployed.
· Work to provide new spaces for retail outlets and street markets.

The consultation on the draft manifesto will run until 15 November.

To download the manifesto, click here.

To comment on the plans, you can email vnebmanifesto@gmail.com

Friday 16 September 2011

Shelley site retained for Archbishop Sumner 'bulge class'

The council has recently been consulting on the future of the old Shelley School site in Oakden Street.

At the Children and Young People's Service Scrutiny Sub-Committee last Tuesday the council announced their plans for the site. They have decided to 'use the site in the short term to provide a bulge class (or classes) through Archbishop Sumner, to help address the projected serious shortage of places across the borough in 2012. This will allow further analysis and a further year’s trends to assess the optimum solution and not preclude any of the other options.'

Cllr Pete Robbins said: 'This year Lambeth has received a record number of applications for places at our primary schools, including a huge number of late applications which make expansion planning very difficult.

The huge government cuts to school capital funding mean Lambeth is increasingly reliant on temporary 'bulge' classes. While the rise in demand is again concentrated in the south of the borough, there are an increasingly limited number of schools in Norwood and Streatham with sites that are suitable for bulge classes. Therefore, given Archbishop Sumner's ambition to expand, and the strong local desire to see the Shelley site retained for educational use, it was decided that it would be appropriate to make the site available to Archbishop Sumner to provide a bulge class in 2012.

Our first priority continues to be securing the £50m we need to provide a permanent place for every child in Lambeth, and we will continue to make our case to education secretary Michael Gove to provide the investment local children deserve.'

You can view the minutes from the committee meeting here.

If you have any questions about this decision or would like more information the council officer responsible can be contacted at:

Chris Sipidias, Regeneration Manager Children and Young People’s Service, 020 7926 5570.

Friday 2 September 2011

Success dealing with intimidating street drinkers at Vauxhall Street shops

Local residents around Vauxhall Street have confirmed that anti-social behaviour outside the shops has massively reduced after police intervention this summer.

Some street drinkers outside the shop were regularly causing a nuisance - intimidating passers-by and urinating outside people's homes.

After residents complained, Councillor Mark Harrison asked the police and the Council's anti-social behaviour team to investigate what could be done to solve the problem. They have spoken to off licences in the area to make some simple changes to the way they sell alcohol, and engaged regularly with the street drinkers to discourage anti-social behaviour.

Thanks to this work, street drinking outside the shops on Vauxhall Street has virtually disappeared in the past week. The police will continue to keep a close eye on the area to ensure the problems don't start up again.

Saturday 27 August 2011

Steve & Mark call at the Water Tower development

This lunchtime councillors Mark Harrison and Steve Morgan called on residents in Goddard, Wilmot & Limelight Houses; at the new development at George Mathers Road on the edge of Kennington.

We discussed residents' experiences setting up residents' associations for the blocks, and some of the teething problems people have experienced with the management agents, housing association, and Council rubbish collection.

Councillors have supported Limelight House residents in getting their residents' association set up; and are looking forward to helping Wilmot and Goddard House with their group which is in the process of being set up.

Friday 26 August 2011

Licensing application for 351 Kennington Lane

A New application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on 23rd August 2011

Applicants Name: Alentajano Bar & Grill Ltd.

Premises Address: Alentajano Bar & Grill - 351 Kennington Lane, London, SE11 5QY (next door to the Eagle)

Activities/times requested:

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 23:30

Recorded Music
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 23:30

Late Night Refreshment
Monday - Sunday 23:00 - 23:30

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:

· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 20 September 2011.

You can view the full application here.

Details of the licensing process and how to make a representation are here.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Swimming pool and student housing for South Lambeth Road

Our colleagues in Oval have already drawn attention to this exhibition, which will be of interest to many Prince's ward residents:

Plans are being brought forward for a mixed-use development to transform 30-60 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, currently waste ground adjacent to the railway lines. Property developer Downing is holding a Public Exhibition on the proposals at the Vauxhall Christian Centre, 105 Tyers Street, Vauxhall, SE11 5HS on:

Thursday 8 September, 4pm – 8pm
Saturday 10 September, 11am – 4pm

This is an important opportunity for you to give your views on our plans before a planning application is submitted to Lambeth Council this autumn, so please come along if you can.

Downing’s proposed Student Housing and Leisure Centre is being designed by award-winning architects Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios and seeks to maximise the potential of this under-used site. Included in the proposals are a swimming pool and leisure centre, which local residents will be able to use. The swimming pool will be at lower ground-level and will be visible from South Lambeth Road, creating an animated street-scene. The student housing on the upper floors includes internal and external amenity space for the students and a TfL “Boris bike” stand will be provided.

For more information in the meantime, you can visit the scheme blog - http://www.downingvauxhall.blogspot.com/, email vauxhall@downing.com, call 0207 323 3544 or write to Downing, c/o 7 Bayley Street, London WC1B 3HB

Sunday 21 August 2011

Temporary road closures- Jonathan Street




1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, to enable Thames Water to carry out Victorian Mains replacement works, the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth intend to make an Order the effect of which would be to temporarily ban vehicles from entering that length of:-
(a) Jonathan Street which lies between Vauxhall Walk and Tyers Street (alternative routes would be available for vehicles via (i) Vauxhall Walk, Glasshouse Walk and Tyers Street; and (ii) Tyers Street, Black Prince Road and Vauxhall Walk);
(b) Tinworth Street which lies between Vauxhall Walk and a point 22 metres north-west of Vauxhall Walk (alternative routes would be available for vehicles (i) Vauxhall Walk, Glasshouse Walk, Tyers Street, Black Prince Road and Albert Embankment; and (ii) Albert Embankment, Black Prince Road and Vauxhall Walk);
(c) Worgan Street which lies between Jonathan Street and a point 25 metres south-west of Jonathan Street.

2. The bans would only apply at such times and to such extent as shall be indicated by the placing of the appropriate traffic signs.

3. The Order would come into force on 29th August 2011 and will continue for a maximum duration of 5 months or until the said works have been completed, whichever is the sooner.

Dated 12th August 2011
Abu Barkatoolah
Head of Transportation

Olympic traffic lanes consultation

Transport for London (TfL) is planning to make temporary changes– on behalf of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) - to roads in the London Borough of Lambeth as part of the London 2012 Games.

As part of London’s successful 2012 bid, a fast-track route, called the Olympic and Paralympic Route Network (ORN/PRN), will be created so that athletes, officials, the media and others working at the Games can get to events on time. Transport for London (TfL) is responsible for ensuring this Network operates effectively during the Games period with the minimum of disruption for those who live and work in the capital.

You can view all of the proposed routes at TfL's website: www.tfl.gov.uk/ORN. The public engagement period for this phase of engagement will close on Wednesday 14 September 2011.

Routes directly affecting our area include one over Vauxhall Bridge and one along Lambeth Palace Road.

Information drop in sessions will take place at:
Waterloo Suite, Novotel Waterloo, 113 Lambeth Road, London SE1 7LS
Tuesday 23 August, 16:30-19:30

City Management Suite at City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QP
Monday 5 September, 16:30–19:30

The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street Westminster London SW1P 3BU
Wednesday 7 September, 08:30-12:30

Overnight work to Lambeth Bridge - including changes to cycle lanes

Transport for London (TfL is planning essential night-time maintenance works on Lambeth Bridge from Tuesday 30 August to Wednesday 7 September 2011, subject to weather conditions.

TfL is firmly committed to minimising disruption to traffic, therefore the works will take place overnight, between 21:00 and 05:30hrs, when traffic levels are around 20 per cent lower. These essential works will not only give road users a smoother journey but they will also help reduce carriageway noise and the need for future maintenance closures, benefiting local residents, businesses and the travelling public.

As part of the maintenance works, TfL has taken the opportunity to review and improve conditions for cyclists on the bridge. In addition to resurfacing, the westbound cycle lane will be widened to 1.5m to provide a safer facility for cyclists. The eastbound cycle lane will be incorporated into a bus and cycle lane to allow for this change.

The works programme is the following:

30 August to 2 September 2011, Lambeth Bridge resurfacing
3 to 7 September 2011, Lambeth Bridge expansion joints replacement

Lambeth Bridge will be closed to vehicular traffic on the above dates between 21:00 and 05:30hrs.

Clearly signed diversion routes will be put in place whilst the bridge is closed. Buses which use Lambeth Bridge will be placed on diversion during the overnight closures, and diversion routes will be clearly signed at local bus stops.

Should you require further information or an update during the delivery of these works please contact TfL's Streets Customer Services department on 0845 305 1234 or via their website at www.tfl.gov.uk/contact.

Police call for review of licence for Area and Fire

The Police have called for a review of the licences for two of Vauxhall's biggest and most popular LGBT clubs.

In the case of Area (67-68 Albert Embankment) the 'Police have expressed concerns for the safety of persons attending this venue, following a number of covert operations during which officers observed the supply and usage of illegal drugs, and incidents of drink spiking within the venue. Police have stated that they believe the premises’ management to be 'either unwilling or unable to tackle the drugs problems which are endemic to this venue''.

In the case of Fire (39-44 Parry Street) the 'Police have expressed serious concerns for the safety of persons attending this venue, following a number of covert operations during which officers observed the supply and usage of illegal drugs, and test purchasing officers were supplied with illegal substances themselves. Police have stated that they believe the premises’ management to be 'either unwilling or unable to tackle the drugs problems which are endemic to this venue''.

The deadline for representations is 15 September. There are details of how to make representations here .

Saturday 13 August 2011

Now is the time to support our police service

Your local Labour councillors want to pay tribute to the bravery and hard work of our police officers this week, who have faced unprecendented disorder and violence in our city. Thankfully, our immediate area escaped the worst of the trouble, but the scarred shopfronts of Walworth Road, Brixton, Clapham Junction and Lower Marsh are grim reminders of the damage the disorder has done to our city.

We were opposed to Boris Johnson's cuts to the police before this week, but after the events of Sunday and Monday nights we think the situation has changed completely. There can't be any justification for cutting back on the police officers who we relied upon on this week.

Currently the Metropolitan Police Authority plans the following cuts to police staff:
Labour has launched a petition against these cuts, calling on the Conservative Mayor Boris Johnson to:

-Abandon his plans to force 600 London police sergeants to reapply for their own jobs. They should be focusing on making the streets safe for Londoners, not worrying about their own jobs.

-Drop his plan to cut 300 sergeants from London's 630 safer neighbourhood teams. In February 2011, Boris Johnson's Deputy Mayor for Policing, Kit Malthouse pushed through plans to cut 300 sergeants from local beat teams.

-Reverse his decision to cut 1800 police officers in London over the next three years. Metropolitan Police Authority figures revealed that the number of police officers in London is being cut by 1,800 between 2011 to 2013/14.

You can sign the petition here

Inspired by the clean up to help out in your community?

Volunteering speed dating in Lambeth

Following the recent public disorder, many residents called the Council to ask how they can help out. We have been amazed by the response and so Lambeth council is co-ordinating a Volunteering Speed Dating event next Wednesday to capture to obvious willingness to get involved in the community.

If you have been inspired by the recent community response to the Lambeth 'community clean up' or you have always just wanted to volunteer then come talk to like minded people.

Who is invited?
Anyone who wants to volunteer in the borough - no matter what level of commitment they want to give.

What will happen there?

You can have as much of a role as you want on the day. Come along to:

  • meet people like you from across the borough

  • talk to community organisations and groups needing further support

  • get advice on how your skills can be used in Lambeth

  • commit to volunteer or just talk to experts about the sort of thing you want to do

  • get involved or be a wallflower, you can just listen to what's being discussed

  • celebrate what we have here in Lambeth.

Local community groups, charities and organisations such as St John Ambulance and the police will all have stalls for you to visit.

The council will also have volunteering and community experts on hand for you to get advice and talk to.

To get involved contact cooperativecouncil@lambeth.gov.uk or @lambeth_council on Twitter.

Venue: Assembly Hall, Lambeth Town Hall, Town Hall, London SW2 1RW
Time: 6-8pm
Date: Wednesday 17 August 2011

Find out more by following @lambeth_council on Twitter and on the Lambeth Council Facebook page

(Picture: residents cleaning up Brixton after the riots, from the Brixton Blog )

Letter to residents from Prince's ward local police Sergeant

Dear resident,

I write you to as the Safer Neighbourhood Sergeant on the Prince's Ward, which is the local Policing team dedicated solely to policing your area.

As you will no doubt be aware London has suffered unprecedented occurrences of spontaneous crime and disorder over the past few days, which has unfortunately been caused by some people who live within the borough of Lambeth and may be residents of our ward.

You will be pleased to know that there have not been any such incidents within our community, but I am appealing for your help to bring the perpetrators to justice and to inform us of any criminal activity or disorder you feel may occur within the near future.

The people responsible have caused much pain and suffering to many people, businesses and business owners across London, and any assistance you can give in identifying anyone that you believe was involved will be greatly appreciated.

In particular if you saw or see any members of your community carrying or offering for sale any electrical or clothing items or any goods that did not look like they were procured in the usual manner, please let us know.

I encourage you to contact us directly or via Crimestoppers, which you can do so anonymously.

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously either online via http://www.crimestoppers.co.uk/ or by telephone on 0800 555 111.

As a reminder all emergencies or incidents of crime which are happening ‘now’ should be called through to Police on 999.

All other non-emergency incidents can be brought to the attention of us on the dedicated Prince's Safer Neighbourhood Team mobile on 07920 233835 or landline 020 8721 2627.

You can also call the dedicated Metropolitan Police non-emergency number on 101.

Please report anything suspicious to us and help look after your community.

Yours sincerely,

Sergeant Bob Lockyer 59LX

LX - Lambeth Borough
Prince's Safer Neighbourhood Team

Kennington Police Station,
49-51 Kennington Road,

Telephone: 020 8721 2627 or 07920 233835 or 101

(Photo from Wikimedia Commons: Anthony Newman from Leiden, Netherlands)

Saturday 6 August 2011

Your local play and youth services – come and have your say!

Over the last year Lambeth Council has been reviewing the way we do things. The Co-operative Council means that we want to work with the community to develop new ways to run our Adventure Playgrounds, Youth Centres and Stay and Play One O’clock Clubs.

To find out what is in it for you, get involved and learn more please drop in to our open session

at: Lollard Adventure Playground, Lollard Street, SE11

on: 18 August 2011, between 6.45 – 8.00 pm (drop in anytime)

If you can’t get there but want to be involved please:

Email: cooperativecouncil@lambeth.gov.uk

or Write to:

Co-operative council
Room 113A
Lambeth Town Hall

Vauxhall residents highlight Pleasure Gardens nightclub problems

Local residents from the Prince's Safer Neighbourhoods Team and the Friends of Vauxhall Spring Gardens are pushing for action to deal with problems associated with some of the nightclubs in the arches at Goding Street/ Albert Embankment.

There is confusion about who owns the land at Albert Embankment. The confusion has allowed businesses to erect structures on the pavement and grass which aren't licensed. Councillors have asked that the land ownership issue is sorted out so proper licensing of the outdoor activity can take place, to prevent problems like these screen blocking the pavement.

At the rear of the arches Goding Street is a real mess, no matter how many times the Council seems to clean the street.

On a Monday morning litter is strewn across Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens.

Some clubbers sit out in the park at all hours of the weekend - many of them leave considerable amounts of litter.

Now council officers and the police are getting involved to put pressure on the clubs whose patrons are causing the problems.

Councillor Mark Harrison said 'Vauxhall's nighttime economy is a fantastic benefit for the area, and we want to support it wherever we can. However, club owners have a responsibility to ensure they and their patrons aren't causing problems like littering in our area.'

Photos courtesy of Eamonn McMahon, Chair of the Prince's SNT.

Licensing application for Kennington Road Petrol Station

A New application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on 1st August 2011

Applicants Name: Hornstar Limited

Premises Address: Kennington Service Station - Petrol Station 212 Kennington Road London

Activities/times requested:

New Grant Application

Late Night Refreshment
Monday - Sunday 23:00 - 05:00

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 02:00

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:

· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than 29 August 2011

If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.

Applications for new Premises licences, and variations and reviews of existing ones, will be placed on the Councils website for inspection; the address at which these may be accessed is www.lambeth.gov.uk/Services/Business/LicencesStreetTrading/AlcoholEntertainmentLateNightRefreshment/CurrentApplications.htm

To make a representation email licensing@lambeth.gov.uk or write to 'Licensing, 5th floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London, SW9 9SP
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL