Councillors are regularly asked to help residents chase the Council and other agencies to sort out local environmental issues. We thought we would round up some of the work we have done over the past few months on the map below:
View Summer 2010 in a larger map
We're happy to help with any environmental issue you might have. Alternatively, you can email Lambeth's Streetcare directly, but feel free to copy us in to keep us informed, and ask us to chase jobs up if they haven't been completed on time.
A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.
Saturday 28 August 2010
Ban on coach parking appears to be working
What is unusual about these photos? There is not a coach to be seen.
Residents who in the past have been plagued by lines of coaches parked bumper to bumper will be delighted that the ban on coach parking, introduced this May, appears to be working.
After a shaky start, when residents and councillors had to chase council officers several times about the enforcement of the ban, it now appears to have had an effect.
We can't afford to be complacent, and councillors will be keeping a close eye on the situation to ensure enforcement of the ban continues and the problem does not return.
Thursday 26 August 2010
Consultation on refurbishing Elephant & Castle leisure centre
Southwark Council have launched a consultation on the future of the leisure centre at Elephant & Castle.
The centre is in need of refurbishment, and Southwark want to establish what facilities potential users of the centre would most value.
The centre is the closest leisure centre and swimming pool to most residents in Prince's ward.
Fill out the consultation here
The centre is in need of refurbishment, and Southwark want to establish what facilities potential users of the centre would most value.
The centre is the closest leisure centre and swimming pool to most residents in Prince's ward.
Fill out the consultation here
Licensing variation - Hidden nighclub, Tinworth Street
A Variation application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on 24th August 2010
Applicants Name: SE11 Limited
Applicants Name: SE11 Limited
Premises Address: Hidden - Arches 100 To 102 Tinworth Street London SE1 5EQ
Variation requested:
To vary the layout of the premises as follows; in accordance with the drawings attached to the application drawing No. 1003/01.
The addition of a new internal bar in the dance area
The addition of a small external bar area on the raised timber decking area to the font of the premises.
Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:
· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.
Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 21st September 2010.
If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.
Applications for new Premises licences, and variations and reviews of existing ones, will be placed on the Councils website for inspection; the address at which these may be accessed is
Ward Councillors
The applicant is required to advertise their application, both at the premises, and in the ‘public notices’ section of a local newspaper. This is to alert persons living in the vicinity of the premises, or with business interests that may be affected by the application, to the application and allow them an opportunity to make representation.
Ward councillors can make representations in writing and/or at a hearing on behalf of a resident or local business if specifically requested to do so. Additionally, ward councillors are now able to make representations in their own right if they have concerns about any premises, regardless of whether they live or run a business in the vicinity of those premises. Councillors may also apply for a review of an existing licence if problems at that specific premises which justify intervention are brought to their attention.
If you require any further information on this application, or guidance on the process of making a representation, please contact
Tuesday 24 August 2010
Night buses from West End to improve
Transport for London have announced changes to buses which should greatly improve the service Kennington residents get at night from the West End.
The 159 is to become a 24 hour bus, running an extended route from Paddington to Streatham. It means we will have a direct bus link to Paddington for the first time.
A new night bus route (the N109) will be introduced to replace the N159, running from Oxford Circus to Croydon town centre, along the same route as the N159.
This means Kennington residents will have three routes to chose from to get back from the West End at night - the 3, the N109, and the 159.
The changes will take place on Saturday 28 August.
Full details are here
Fire Risk Assessments published in full by Lambeth Living
Last year's appalling fire at Lakanal House in Southwark was a horrible reminder that keeping residents safe from fire has to be the top priority for any landlord.
Since the fire Lambeth Living has embarked on a full fire inspection of every block of flats they manage, starting with the tallest structures.
Each inspection report and action plan is being published on Lambeth Living's website.
Reports for ten blocks in Prince's ward are available to download here.
Pictured: Coverley and Haymans Point have been inspected and the report is available to download.
Since the fire Lambeth Living has embarked on a full fire inspection of every block of flats they manage, starting with the tallest structures.
Each inspection report and action plan is being published on Lambeth Living's website.
Reports for ten blocks in Prince's ward are available to download here.
Pictured: Coverley and Haymans Point have been inspected and the report is available to download.
Bid for a grant at the Vauxhall Expo
Does your organisation operate in Kennington, Oval or Vauxhall?
Can it do something really good for this community? Read on……
Two grants of £500 are available to help provide activities or services for the community.
The grants will be determined by people attending the event taking place at the Vauxhall Expo event on 11 September at Spring Gardens, SE11 5HL. From a short list of applications, local people will vote and decide which two projects receive the funding.
Closing date: noon on 4th September, 2010
Application form – email
Notes: By applying, you accept that grants will be decided by participants at the Vauxhall Expo at the Spring Gardens, Tyers St, London, SE11 5HL on the 11th of September 2010.
When is the deadline for this application?
4th September 2010. We regret that any applications received after this deadline cannot be accepted.
Are there Grant Payment Conditions?
The Council is administering the scheme so their normal Conditions of Grant Aid apply. You must have a bank account or be supported by a larger organisation with a bank account. The project will be monitored to make sure the grant is properly spent and outcomes reported. The winning organisation therefore will have to provide more details before the payment can be made. All staff working with children or access to information about children must have enhanced CRB clearance.
Who can I contact for further information?
Please contact Frances Forrest at
How do I complete the application form?
We have sent information out via email and in the post. You can complete the form attached to the email on your computer and submit it back to or return a completed printed form to us in the post leaving enough time to meet the deadline of noon on4th of September, 2010.
What happens after I have sent in my application?
We will read all applications and short list those that will be invited to present at the Vauxhall Expo and the ‘judges’, your local community. We will contact short listed projects to talk about your project in more detail and help with preparations. The votes cast will be counted at the event and the two projects receiving the highest number of votes cast will be the successful recipients of the grant funding (2 x £500 grant).
What type of projects will be funded?
You must demonstrate how your work will benefit at least part of Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall.
What will not be funded?
We will not fund
• Political parties
• Promotion of religious beliefs
• Third party giving organisations
• Projects that have already started, or that cannot complete by 31 March 2011
• Applications will not be awarded to individuals, the private sector or any organisation that is not a properly constituted voluntary sector organisation.
After school providers must be registered with Ofsted.
Sunday 15 August 2010
Arrange a free home fire safety visit
The London Fire Brigade offer a free service where they will visit your home to offer advice about fire safety and fit a free smoke alarm if required.
To arrange a visit go to the LFB's website, or call 08000 28 44 28.
Thursday 12 August 2010
Improvements for cyclists in Vauxhall
(Note: This notice is about a proposal to exempt pedal cyclists from the one-way systems in Aveline Street, Brangton Road, Frazier Street, Glasshouse Walk, Juxon Street, Newburn Street, Orsett Street and Wynyard Terrace and to construct the type of flat top road hump known as a “speed table” in Orsett Street and the extension of the existing “speed table” in Cornwall Road. Objections or other representations may be made - see paragraph 7.)
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth propose to make the Lambeth (Prescribed Routes) (No. -) Traffic Order 2010, under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
2. The general nature and effect of the Order would be to exempt pedal cycles from the existing one-way systems in Aveline Street, Brangton Road, Frazier Street, Glasshouse Walk, Juxon Street, Newburn Street, Orsett Street and Wynyard Terrace and allow them to proceed contra flow to the one-ways. This would be achieved by banning motor vehicles from proceeding in those roads in a certain direction (instead of the existing ban on all vehicles) and providing advisory cycle lanes at certain points on those roads.
3. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth propose, under sections 90A and 90C of the Highways Act 1980, to:-
(a) construct the type of flat-top road hump known as a "speed table" in Orsett Street at its junction with
Newburn Street. The "speed table" would be an elevated section of carriageway with a flat top, 75
millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full
width of the carriageway from kerb to kerb and having a length of approximately 5.30 metres, including
the gradients;
(b) extend the length of the existing “speed table” in Cornwall Road by a further 5.2 metres in a direction
towards Brad Street.
4. The proposed Order is to facilitate cyclists by allowing them to proceed contra to the one-way systems and so avoid the need to take lengthier and hazardous alternative routes. The proposed road humps are intended to reduce traffic speeds and thereby improve road safety for all road users.
5. If you have any enquiries, please telephone Lambeth Council's Transport and Highways Group on 0207 926 1240.
6. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposed Order and road humps are available for inspection between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on Bank Holidays), until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Order is made or, as the case may be, the Council decides not to make the Order, at: the offices of Lambeth Borough Council's Transport and Highways Group, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP. To arrange a viewing please contact 020 7926 9000 and select the Transport and Highways option.
7. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Order or to the road humps must be made in writing and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Transport and Highways Group, London Borough of Lambeth, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP, by 6th September 2010.
Dated 13th August 2010
Martin Sachs
Head of Transport and Highways
(Note: This notice is about a proposal to exempt pedal cyclists from the one-way systems in Aveline Street, Brangton Road, Frazier Street, Glasshouse Walk, Juxon Street, Newburn Street, Orsett Street and Wynyard Terrace and to construct the type of flat top road hump known as a “speed table” in Orsett Street and the extension of the existing “speed table” in Cornwall Road. Objections or other representations may be made - see paragraph 7.)
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth propose to make the Lambeth (Prescribed Routes) (No. -) Traffic Order 2010, under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
2. The general nature and effect of the Order would be to exempt pedal cycles from the existing one-way systems in Aveline Street, Brangton Road, Frazier Street, Glasshouse Walk, Juxon Street, Newburn Street, Orsett Street and Wynyard Terrace and allow them to proceed contra flow to the one-ways. This would be achieved by banning motor vehicles from proceeding in those roads in a certain direction (instead of the existing ban on all vehicles) and providing advisory cycle lanes at certain points on those roads.
3. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth propose, under sections 90A and 90C of the Highways Act 1980, to:-
(a) construct the type of flat-top road hump known as a "speed table" in Orsett Street at its junction with
Newburn Street. The "speed table" would be an elevated section of carriageway with a flat top, 75
millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full
width of the carriageway from kerb to kerb and having a length of approximately 5.30 metres, including
the gradients;
(b) extend the length of the existing “speed table” in Cornwall Road by a further 5.2 metres in a direction
towards Brad Street.
4. The proposed Order is to facilitate cyclists by allowing them to proceed contra to the one-way systems and so avoid the need to take lengthier and hazardous alternative routes. The proposed road humps are intended to reduce traffic speeds and thereby improve road safety for all road users.
5. If you have any enquiries, please telephone Lambeth Council's Transport and Highways Group on 0207 926 1240.
6. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposed Order and road humps are available for inspection between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on Bank Holidays), until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Order is made or, as the case may be, the Council decides not to make the Order, at: the offices of Lambeth Borough Council's Transport and Highways Group, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP. To arrange a viewing please contact 020 7926 9000 and select the Transport and Highways option.
7. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Order or to the road humps must be made in writing and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Transport and Highways Group, London Borough of Lambeth, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP, by 6th September 2010.
Dated 13th August 2010
Martin Sachs
Head of Transport and Highways
Traffic calming in Vauxhall Walk
(Note: This notice is about the Council’s proposals to vary the waiting restrictions in Vauxhall Walk and the installation of road humps in Glass House Walk, Jonathan Street and Vauxhall Walk. Comments and objections may be made - see paragraph 7.)
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lambeth Borough Council, propose to make the Lambeth (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. *) Order 2010 under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
2. The general effect of the Order would be to ban waiting at any time in that length of Vauxhall Walk which lies on the south-east side, between a point 2.9 metres north-east of the party wall of Nos. 1 and 3 Vauxhall Walk and a point 2.5 metres south-west of the party wall of Nos. 7 and 9 Vauxhall Walk.
3. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lambeth Borough Council propose to:-
(A) construct the type of road humps known as “sinusoidal road humps” in (a) Glasshouse Walk (i) approximately 10.4 metres east of the north-eastern kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; and (ii) approximately 14.5 metres south-west of the south-western kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; (b) Jonathan Street, approximately 11 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; (c) Vauxhall Walk (i) approximately 9.8 metres south-west of the southern kerb-line of Salmanca Street; (ii) approximately 22.8 metres north-east of Randall Row; (iii) approximately 23 metres south-west of Randall Row; (iv) approximately 10.1 metres south-west of Jonathan Street; (v) approximately 9.5 metres north of Tinworth Street; (vi) approximately 20.5 metres south of Tinworth Street; (vii) outside Nos. 1 to 10 Cromwell House, Vauxhall Walk.
(Each "sinusoidal road hump" would be an elevated section of carriageway, 75 millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full width of the carriageway and having a length of 3.7 metres.)
(B) construct the type of road hump known as a “speed table” in Vauxhall Walk outside Nos. 3/5/7 Vauxhall Walk. The “speed table” would be an elevated section of carriageway with a flat top, 75 millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full width of the carriageway from kerb to kerb without a break measuring 6.40 metres in length.
4. If you have any enquiries, please telephone the Council's Transport and Highways Group on 020 7926 0324.
5. The proposals are intended to reduce traffic speeds and thereby improve road safety for all road users.
6. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposed Order are available for inspection between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm (excluding bank holidays) until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Order is made or, as the case may be, the Council decide not to make the Order, at: the offices of Lambeth Borough Council's Transport and Highways Group, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP. A map showing the location of the “sinusoidal road humps” and “the speed table” can be inspected between the same hours until 6th September 2010 at the same address. To arrange a viewing please contact 020 7926 9000 and select the Transport and Highways option.
7. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Order or to the “sinusoidal road humps” or "speed table" must be made in writing and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Transport and Highways Group, London Borough of Lambeth, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP, by 6th September 2010. Any objection may be seen by, or be communicated to, any person who has an interest in this matter.
Dated 13th August 2010
Martin Sachs
Head of Transport and Highways
(Note: This notice is about the Council’s proposals to vary the waiting restrictions in Vauxhall Walk and the installation of road humps in Glass House Walk, Jonathan Street and Vauxhall Walk. Comments and objections may be made - see paragraph 7.)
1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lambeth Borough Council, propose to make the Lambeth (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. *) Order 2010 under sections 6 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
2. The general effect of the Order would be to ban waiting at any time in that length of Vauxhall Walk which lies on the south-east side, between a point 2.9 metres north-east of the party wall of Nos. 1 and 3 Vauxhall Walk and a point 2.5 metres south-west of the party wall of Nos. 7 and 9 Vauxhall Walk.
3. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Lambeth Borough Council propose to:-
(A) construct the type of road humps known as “sinusoidal road humps” in (a) Glasshouse Walk (i) approximately 10.4 metres east of the north-eastern kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; and (ii) approximately 14.5 metres south-west of the south-western kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; (b) Jonathan Street, approximately 11 metres east of the eastern kerb-line of Vauxhall Walk; (c) Vauxhall Walk (i) approximately 9.8 metres south-west of the southern kerb-line of Salmanca Street; (ii) approximately 22.8 metres north-east of Randall Row; (iii) approximately 23 metres south-west of Randall Row; (iv) approximately 10.1 metres south-west of Jonathan Street; (v) approximately 9.5 metres north of Tinworth Street; (vi) approximately 20.5 metres south of Tinworth Street; (vii) outside Nos. 1 to 10 Cromwell House, Vauxhall Walk.
(Each "sinusoidal road hump" would be an elevated section of carriageway, 75 millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full width of the carriageway and having a length of 3.7 metres.)
(B) construct the type of road hump known as a “speed table” in Vauxhall Walk outside Nos. 3/5/7 Vauxhall Walk. The “speed table” would be an elevated section of carriageway with a flat top, 75 millimetres higher at its highest point than the surrounding carriageway and extending across the full width of the carriageway from kerb to kerb without a break measuring 6.40 metres in length.
4. If you have any enquiries, please telephone the Council's Transport and Highways Group on 020 7926 0324.
5. The proposals are intended to reduce traffic speeds and thereby improve road safety for all road users.
6. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposed Order are available for inspection between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm (excluding bank holidays) until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Order is made or, as the case may be, the Council decide not to make the Order, at: the offices of Lambeth Borough Council's Transport and Highways Group, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP. A map showing the location of the “sinusoidal road humps” and “the speed table” can be inspected between the same hours until 6th September 2010 at the same address. To arrange a viewing please contact 020 7926 9000 and select the Transport and Highways option.
7. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Order or to the “sinusoidal road humps” or "speed table" must be made in writing and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Transport and Highways Group, London Borough of Lambeth, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP, by 6th September 2010. Any objection may be seen by, or be communicated to, any person who has an interest in this matter.
Dated 13th August 2010
Martin Sachs
Head of Transport and Highways
Friday 6 August 2010
Labour says thank you
Over the next couple of weeks residents across Prince's ward will be receiving a leaflet and letter from the Prince's Labour Action Team, thanking voters for supporting Labour in such huge numbers on 6 May.
The letter includes details of our new surgery arrangements.
If you would like to offer to deliver some leaflets for us then please get in touch.
Monday 2 August 2010
St Thomas' hospital modernisation
The East Wing of St Thomas' Hospital has been a feature of the Westminster skyline since the 1960s. But it now needs repair and modernisation. The project is part of the Trust's 2020 vision – creating the best possible environment for their patients, their visitors and their staff. New energy efficient cladding and replacement windows will improve the patient experience, significantly reduce our carbon footprint and save costs.
The hospital is holding a Design Competition for the East Wing Recladding Scheme in conjunction with RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) to select the best design for the project and they would like to invite you to comment on the proposals.
An exhibition of the six shortlisted designs will be on display during August at various venues on both hospital sites and in the community. The details of the venues and dates are listed below. Hospital staff will be on hand to answer questions and there will be a feedback form so that you can tell them what you think of the designs.
9th & 10th August Atrium 1, Southwark Wing, Guy’s Hospital, Great Maze Pond SE1 9RT
11th - 15th August Central Hall, St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, SE1 7EH
17th & 18th August Durning Library, 167 Kennington Lane, SE11 4HF
The Trust want to hear views from our local community as well as our staff and patients, so please come and tell them what you think.
Changing Vauxhall event - 11 September
Kennington, Oval & Vauxhall Forum, together with the Friends of Spring Gardens and Vauxhall City Farm, are organising a community fun day with entertainment, exhibitions demonstrations and a market place for voluntary and community organisations. We would like you to take part.
We are celebrating the change of name of Spring Gardens back to Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens. But also we are celebrating Vauxhall City Farm Open day. The gardens are undergoing change – the new entrance from Kennington Lane is under construction.
The theme for the event is Changing Vauxhall - how it has changed, how it might change, and how you would wish it to change. Changing the environment, health, housing, educational opportunities etc. Tell officers what you would do with the S.106 money from any developments.
The event will provide opportunities for:·
promoting local volunteering,·
networking and information sharing·
promoting local volunteering,·
networking and information sharing·
engaging with the community
There will also be grants of £500 to North Lambeth organisations, to be decided by public vote at the event.
If you would like to be involved by: ·
Taking a pitch·
Providing entertainment·
Applying for a grant·
Taking a pitch·
Providing entertainment·
Applying for a grant·
Sponsoring the event·
Promoting the event to your members·
Promoting the event to your members·
Family competitions...
then please let us know, ideally by 13th August. Please reply to Frances Forrest by email to
Sunday 1 August 2010
Friends of Lambeth Rec on tour!
This afternoon a group of the Friends of Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground went on a bus tour of various parks around London, to get ideas for the renovation of the park.
The Friends visited Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park (Imperial War Museum), Myatts Fields (Camberwell/ Brixton), Potters Fields (London Bridge), Butterfield Green (Stoke Newington) and Paradise Park (Islington).
The photos and comments from the Friends will be on their website shortly.
Pictured: the Friends enjoy the water feature in Butterfield Green, one of the highlights of the tour.
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Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL