The problem of coach parking on the streets of the Vauxhall was highlighted this weekend, when dozens of coaches lined both sides of Tyers Street, making it virtually impassable.
At the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 8 July Prince's ward Councillor Mark Harrison asked what progress had been made towards banning coaches from the estate's streets.
The answer was as follows:
Transport and Highways officers are currently exploring options for banning coach parking in the streets around Vauxhall Gardens. One option under consideration is that of extending the Controlled Parking Zone operating hours to include Sundays when coach parking is a particular problem in the area. It is anticipated that proposals will be taken to consultation with the local residential and business community and coach operators in October or November 2009 with a view to implementation in the early months of 2010.
Councillor Sally Prentice, Lambeth Cabinet Member for the Environment, followed up this answer with a commitment to look at options that simply banned coaches, without affecting the ability of residents' visitors to park on the streets at weekend. She promised to work hard to find a resolution to this long-running problem.