A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Quango overrules councillors and approves tower

Councillors have expressed disappointment at the decision of the Planning Inspectorate to approve a 23 storey residential tower at 81 Black Prince Road.

The developers took the decision to appeal after councillors rejected the proposal at a planning meeting in February.

Councillors rejected the proposal because of:
  • The harm that would be caused to the setting of the World Heritage Site
  • Impact on the setting of listed buildings and adjoining conservation areas
  • Poor quantity and quality of the proposed amenity space.
  • Overbearing impact of the proposed development and the creation of a sense of enclosure.

The inspector argued that:

  • Protected views of Parliament would not be affected
  • Southbank House is robust enough not be dominated by existing taller buildings surrounding it, and that there would 'be little impact on the settings of either Southbank House or the Vauxhall Gardens Conservation Area'. 'The proposal will break the continuity of scale along the Albert Embankment but will be perceptibly in the background of the Fire Brigade building, and not challenging it'.
  • Play and amenity space can be provided off site in the neighbouring Pedlars Park and Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground.
  • Flats in 9 Albert Embankment would not be adversely affected by loss of light or outlook.
  • 'The surrounding streets are already ‘enclosed’ by buildings and the existing 5/6
    storey building on the site contributes to that feeling of enclosure'. The new building would have 'little material effect on the existing sense of enclosure in surrounding

Councillor Mark Harrison said 'it's a shame that planning rules mean that an unelected quango can overrule the decision taken by councillors. Local people felt this building was too tall and too dense.'

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Vote for your preferred project

Lambeth Council is inviting residents to decide how the council spends some of its budget in 2010/11.

As part of the Lambeth Community Action Fund, £250,000 has been allocated to local projects and the local community will choose which ones get the money.

This is the first ever participatory budgeting scheme run by the council. The scheme is called "Your borough, your budget, your choice!".

Participatory budgeting involves local people directly in making decisions on the spending priorities of the council.

"This new initiative will give citizens a greater say on how council funds are allocated to community projects," said Councillor Jim Dickson, Lambeth cabinet member for finance and resources.

"I urge all residents to get involved in deciding which projects are funded - your choice will really make a difference."

The council has shortlisted twelve projects, which have been divided into three bands of £125,000, £75,000 and £50,000. People can vote for one project from each of the three bands. The winning projects will be announced at the end of October 2009.

Only Lambeth residents on the electoral register are eligible to vote. Voting takes place between 14 September 2009 and 18 October 2009.

There are several ways to make your choice, including online at www.lambeth.gov.uk/yourchoice, by post using the voting card that you'll find inside the current issue of Lambeth Life or by text to 07786 206 955.

To text vote enter 'Lambeth' followed by the band number and letter of the project you are voting for and then your full name and postcode. For example text: Lambeth 1a, 2d, 3b Sarah Smith SW6 6HT.

Voting ends on Sunday 18 October 2009.

One of the projects in Band C (£50 000) is to replace street signs in Vauxhall and Kennington. The project will involve improvements to street nameplates, street signage and road markings within Vauxhall and Kennington. Where possible, street nameplates will be relocated to locations where they are less likely to be vandalised. Where this is not possible, reinforced anti-vandal coated signage will be installed.

Councillor Mark Harrison said 'I hope as many people in Vauxhall and Kennington will help improve our environment by voting for this project. Vandalised street signs ruin the look of our area.'

Pictured: Mark next to a vandalised street sign in Vauxhall Gardens.

Second consultation on London Fire Brigade site

Developers are holding a second consultation event about their plans for the former headquarters of the London Fire Brigade at 8 Albert Embankment. The site is in three parts - the landmark building on the riverside, a large site between Whitgift Street and Southbank House (pictured), and a small carpark site at the corner of Black Prince Road and Newport Street.

Developers are proposing a mixed use development providing a new fire station, homes, retail and commercial space.

They are holding an exhibition at the Fire Station at the following times:

Thursday 17 September, 4pm - 8pm

Friday 18 September, 3pm - 6pm

Saturday 19 September, 10am - 1pm

You can also share your thoughts or request more information by contacting Azizun Choudhury on:

0870 066 8734

8 Albert Embankment SE1 Consultation, FREEPOST RLSX-KHXT-BGSR, Four Comunications, 48 Leicester Square, WC2H 7FG

Sunday 13 September 2009

Reporting anti-social behaviour

A recent meeting about anti-social behaviour on Lambeth Walk highlighted the fact that people are confused about how to go about reporting it. Ensuring anti-social behaviour is reported is crucial for the authorities to be able to do something about it.

Here are some contacts for various situations:

When a serious crime is being committed always call 999.

To report a non-urgent crime, however minor, call the police's new London-wide number: 0300 123 1212. They will try to deal with the problem as soon as they can. You can also call the Prince's ward Safer Neighbourhoods Team directly on their mobile: 07920 233835 (though they don't run a 24 hour service).

If a neighbour is making a noise overnight that you want to stop, call Lambeth's noise patrol: 020 7926 5999. They operate from 9pm to 3am Sunday to Thursday, and 10pm to 5am on Friday and Saturday. During normal office hours you can also report noise: 020 7926 5999.

To find a permanent solution to anti-social behaviour it's best to keep a diary of the incidents and report every incident to the relevant authority. They can then take action:
Lambeth Living Estates (eg Vauxhall Gardens, Whitgift, Ethelred Towers, Cotton Gardens, Kennings Way, Penwith Manor): 020 7926 6000
Ethelred TMO: 020 7926 8361
Cottington Close TMO: 020 7926 8105
Peabody Trust (eg Lupino Court): 0800 022 4040
London & Quadrant (eg Newquay House, Cornwall Square): 0844 406 9000
For private properties call Lambeth Council's anti-social behaviour unit: 020 7926 4000
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL