A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.
Saturday 30 May 2009
Eileen Bagge: I'm backing Mark!
Mark is a tireless campaigner for local and community issues. He lives locally, so knows by experience what it is like to live in North Lambeth and what issues are important to us. I know that Mark will be a dedicated and loyal councillor.
Eileen Bagge, Whitgift Estate
Thursday 28 May 2009
Top Lib Dem backs Mark Harrison
A senior Lib Dem has dramatically switched sides to back Mark Harrison in the Vauxhall and Kennington by-election.
Popular Saleha Jaffer was a Lib Dem candidate in one of their own seats at the last council elections, but she is backing Mark Harrison as the best candidate to stand up for local people.
Saleha, a well known community campaigner, said: 'local people want to see action on crime but, sadly, the Lib Dems are just too soft. With the recession, we can't afford any more Lib Dem tax hikes - that's why I say Labour is right to freeze council tax for two years.' She smiled, 'I've been really impressed by Mark's campaign to reduce rents. He is local, hard working, and he's a thoroughly likeable young man who gets things done. I hope everyone will come out and vote for Mark Harrison on 4 June!'
Sunday 24 May 2009
Mark wins a rent cut!
Successful campaign secures £114-a-year reduction in rents
Mark met with Housing Minister Margaret Beckett to demand extra help with rent for tenants
Local champion Mark Harrison has won a big victory for local people. His 'Lower Rents Now' campaign has persuaded the Government to hand over millions of pounds to cut council rents in Lambeth.
Tenants were clobbered with a 17% rise in April thanks to Lib Dem financial incompetence. The good news will put £2.20 a week back in people’s pockets.
Mark said: “I want to thank everyone who’s supported my campaign. We’ve won this victory together, but this is only the start. Rents went up £12 a week in April. Now we must keep up the pressure and win a further reduction.”
Ethelred tenant Jean McCarthy said 'Mark led the successful campaign to reduce rents despite not being a councillor. Think how much he could achieve for tenants if he wins the election on 4 June!'
Thursday 21 May 2009
Huge support for Mark's campaign to cut rents!
A big thank you to everyone who has signed up to my ‘Lower Rents Now’ campaign. There has been huge support from local residents, and I wanted to tell you about the progress that I have made in the last week.
This week I presented my rents petition to Margaret Beckett - the Government minister in charge of housing. I told her how many council tenants have been supporting my campaign, and why it is so important that the Government helps us reduce rents.
I also have the support of local MP Kate Hoey, who is helping me with my campaign and who recently raised the whole issue in a debate in Parliament. I met with her at the Houses of Parliament to discuss how we can get rents cut.
As you know, rents went up mainly because the Lib Dems made a massive mistake while they were in charge at the town hall. On top of the £3 million they lost in fraud, they refused to claim £11 million Government money that was available, and thanks to that we’re all being made to pay more.
If elected I will work with others to change the culture of mismanagement in the Housing department.
I have spent months speaking directly to local people, and I know what needs to be done to improve our area. Now I am standing for election to Lambeth Council on June 4th, so I can continue my campaign to lower your rent. If I get elected I can hit the ground running and make sure residents are given the service they deserve. Your vote will make a difference. I hope that I can count on your support on June 4th.
Wednesday 20 May 2009
Nichola Hartwell: I'm backing Mark
Nichola Hartwell lives on Kennings Way and runs a youth organisation. She says:
'I'm supporting Mark Harrison because he works hard to support community groups that work with young people in our area. The Lib Dems failed local young people when they were in charge - we need councillors who understand the need for support and investment for our young people.'
Sunday 17 May 2009
Mark pushes for road repairs
Mark Harrison, Labour's candidate for the Prince's ward by-election, has written to residents of several streets to explain how he is supporting plans to repair potholes and resurface streets.
Bowden Street (pictured) has a narrow pavement and the road surface is in a poor state. Mark is campaigning for the street to be redesigned and resurfaced.
Chester Way and Stannary Street both have appalling potholes, which are making driving a bumpy experience. Mark is arguing that these streets should be prioritised for resurfacing.
Finally, streets on the Ethelred Estate have been neglected for many years. Gibson Road and Marylee Way are in a particularly bad way. Mark wants to see investment from the Council in these estate roads.
The good news is that Labour has more than DOUBLED the council budget for road replacement. Labour can invest this money because it has fixed the financial mess that the Lib Dems left when they were booted out in 2006.
Mark commented 'this increased investment from Labour should help us fix our streets that have been neglected for so long'.
Monday 11 May 2009
Mark campaigns for security doors on Ethelred
Mark Harrison, Labour's candidate in the Princes ward by-election, explains what he is doing to help get security doors on the Ethelred Estate fixed.
Sunday 10 May 2009
Mark campaigns to ban coaches from Vauxhall Gardens
For the past couple of years Mark Harrison has been attending meetings of the Vauxhall Gardens Estate Residents’ & Tenants’ Association. One issue that has come up time and time again at meetings is the problem of coaches parking on local streets at the weekend.
On Saturdays and Sundays Vauxhall Walk, Glasshouse Walk, and Tyers Street are lined with coaches - belching fumes, creating noise, blocking light, and obstructing access to the playground and park. Mark commented 'It’s high time the Council takes action and bans the coaches from our streets'.
Mark has already spoken to senior councillors and they agree that residents have a good case. We need to keep the pressure on, and VGETRA (the residents’ association) have started a petition. Mark is helping out by taking the petition around the estate, and writing to local residents with a form that allows them to add their names to the petition.
If you would like to add your name to the petition please email markh@lambethlabour.com
Tuesday 5 May 2009
How Labour is saving the old Lilian Baylis School site
Mark Harrison, Labour candidate in the Princes ward byelection on 4 June, slams the Lib Dems for their plans to sell off the Old Lilian Baylis school site for private housing, and why voting for Labour will mean it is saved for the use of the local community.
Monday 4 May 2009
Mark launches crime action plan
Labour's candidate for the Prince's ward by-election, Mark Harrison, has launched a five point action plan to cut crime and anti-social behaviour in Kennington and Vauxhall.
The measures are:
1) Compulsory tagging for dangerous dogs on estates
2) Guaranteed funding to get CCTV working again
3) Save the Lilian Baylis Old School Site so young people have positive things to do locally
4) Hit drug dealers and buyers with ASBOs that ban them from SE11
5) Support Labour's Neighbourhood Police Team - say no to Boris Johnson's police cuts!
Mark commented: 'My action plan will make local people safer. I know what the problems are because I live here. I know tough action against criminals and more investment to give young people things to do is the only way to crack crime on local streets'.
Labour's record on tackling crime in Lambeth stands in sharp contrast to the Lib Dems'. The Lib Dems:
- Served no ASBOs at all for three years
- Voted against Labour's neighbourhood police teams
- Left Lambeth with the worst funded youth service and the highest level of gun, gang and knife crime in the country
- Wanted to legalise brothels and kerb crawling on local streets
- Even campaigned against the Police's own plans to improve local police stations!
Mark has asked local people to get in touch to let him know what more can be done to fight crime and anti-social behaviour in their area. Email markh@lambethlabour.com or phone 07534 136085.
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Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL