There is a lot of licensing activity in our ward at the moment so we have updated our story from a couple of weeks' ago.
Full details of current
alcohol and
sex licence applications are on Lambeth's website.
Please read our
guide to licensing before making a representation. If you'd like advice from your councillors, please don't hesitate to
email us.
Superway Express - Shop 344 Kennington Lane London Trading Standard request for
review of the licence due to
- underage sales
- selling of single cans, risking encouraging street drinking
- employing staff illegally
- confusion over identity of designated premises superviser
Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 25 July 2012
Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Pamela Riley
Telephone: 020 7926 6164
UK Black Pride
Kennington Park
18 August 2012Activities/times requested for this event:
Live Music
Saturday 14:00 - 20:00
Recorded Music
Saturday 12:30 - 20:30
Performances of Dance
Saturday 17:00 - 18:00
Provision of Facilities for Dancing
Saturday 12:30 - 18:30
Supply of Alcohol
Saturday 12:30 - 20:00
Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 16 July 2012
Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Esther Jones
Telephone: 020 7926 6144
Email: Carnival UK
Kennington Park
20 October 2012 Activities/times requested:
Saturday 12:00 - 17:00
Live Music
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Recorded Music
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Performances of Dance
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Entertainment Similar to Music/Dance
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Provision of Facilities for Dancing
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 26 July 2012
Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Esther Jones
Telephone: 020 7926 6144
Email: Establishment Licences in Vauxhall
The Government changed the law two years ago to create a new sexual entertainment licence, that was separate from the previous licence regime. Lambeth did a consultation on the matter and has since adopted these rules. As a result any venue offering such entertainment needs to apply for a new licence.
Most of the press on this subject relates to men paying women to strip, but this is not what is going to happen in Vauxhall. In fact, the position will be that the activities in the clubs will continue as they always have done. They do not intend pay people to strip. We have included some explanations from the clubs concerned.
Bar Code, Arch 69, Goding Street, London, SE11 5AWNew activities/times requested:
Sex Cinema
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Sexual Entertainment Venue
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Sex Shop
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Representations will be disregarded if they are received later than the 15 July 2012.
Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Esther Jones
Telephone: 020 7926 6144
Email: the owner of Barcode:
The position is that we are not applying for anything new as what we are requesting was already a part of our licence until it was separated out by the local authority.
We are not a going to be offering any new or different entertainment because of this licence. This application is being made to keep our licences concurrent and so we can, if we wish form time to time have male Go-Go dancers performing without having to make special applications for such shows as well as being able to possibly host an amateur strip event from time to time.
There will be no exploitation of performers nor will anyone 'paid to strip'.Covert, Arch 65, Goding Street, London, SE11 5AWNew activities/times requested:
Sex Cinema
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Sexual Entertainment Venue
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Sex Shop
Monday - Sunday 00:00 - 00:00
Representations will be disregarded if they are received later than the 15 July 2012.
Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Esther Jones
Telephone: 020 7926 6144
From the owner of Covert:
HRH Clubs Limited, the owners and operators of Fire Nightclub, Area Nightclub and Covert Nightclub, pride themselves on offering their customers an enjoyable, safe and well managed entertainment service. We value our customer input and also value the views of the local community. For this reason we wish to clarify the reasons that we have applied for the Sexual Establishment Licences.
New legislation was passed by Parliament meaning that any venue that wished to provide nude or striptease entertainment require a Sex Establishment Licence. Premises also showing adult R18 films also require a Licence. The regime provides numerous safeguards to ensure this type of entertainment is provided in a safe, proper, legitimate and controlled manner. We have historically provided ancillary entertainment at our venues that falls into these categories and have done so without complaint.
As a result of the new legislation, we are required to apply for the licences in order to continue to provide the entertainment that we offer at some of our events. The type of relevant entertainment we provide includes GoGo dancers, R18 or special shows. All this type of entertainment is ancillary to the primary nightclub use. There will be no change whatsoever to our current operation, we will not be opening a lap dancing club or similar, we simply wish to maintain the status quo and legitimately continue the ancillary entertainment we have previously provided for many years.
In Oval Ward Fire and the Eagle have also applied for Sex Establishment Licences.