A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Friends of Lambeth High Street Rec' launch their website

The newly-formed Friends of Lambeth High Street Recreation Ground have launched their website. You can find it at: www.friendslambethrec.blogspot.com

You can find details about the park, how to join the Friends, and the results of the recent walkabout identifying issues that need addressing.

The Friends will shortly be launching an exciting consultation about changing the name of the park - keep an eye out for more news later this summer!

Pictured: Labour councillors Mark Harrison, Lorna Campbell and Steve Morgan at the park

Sunday, 28 March 2010

Labour's manifesto for Lambeth launched

Over the next few days, Labour volunteers will be hand delivering copies of Lambeth Labour’s manifesto to residents of Kennington and Vauxhall.

The choice at the next election couldn’t be clearer. Labour have sorted Lambeth’s finances out, improved customer service and frozen council tax for two years, while the Lib Dems and Tories hiked it by 40% and cut frontline services.

The plans for change in Lambeth include:
• Keeping council tax as low as possible and protecting essential services
• a uniformed hit squad to tackle anti social behaviour and move into crime hotspots
• Biggest ever investment in pavements and roads
• Making Lambeth London’s greenest council with a 20% cut in carbon emissions
• Youth activities within a mile of every home, and two new primary schools
• Four new swimming pools and free swimming for every resident
• Upgrading 10,000 homes with new windows, doors and roofs, central heating and modern kitchens and bathrooms

You can download the whole manifesto here:

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

White Hart pub licensing application

A Variation application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of the below-mentioned premises was received by the licensing authority on 22nd March 2010

Applicants Name: The Tommyfield Pub Ltd
Premises Address: The Tommyfield - 185 Kennington Lane London SE11 4EZ (formerly the White Hart)

Activities/times requested:

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - Thursday: 11:00 - 00:00 (no change)
Friday & Saturday: 11:00 - 01:00 (currently 11:00 – 00:00)
Sunday: 12:00 - 23:30 (no change)

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:
· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 19th April 2010

If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.

Applications for new Premises licences, and variations and reviews of existing ones, will be placed on the Councils website for inspection; the address at which these may be accessed is www.lambeth.gov.uk/Services/Business/LicencesStreetTrading/AlcoholEntertainmentLateNightRefreshment/CurrentApplications.htm

Friday, 19 March 2010

Vauxhall Children's Centre officially open!

This afternoon Mayor of Lambeth Christopher Wellbelove and Kate Hoey MP officially opened the Vauxhall Children's Centre at Vauxhall Primary School.

It was a fantastic afternoon, with singing from Year Five pupils, music, cake and celebration.

The Centre has actually been up and running since 2008, providing a wealth of services to pre-school children, and crucially their parents and families.

The Centre is the 30th to open in Lambeth, and is one of more than 3000 centres opened since the Labour government came to power. The Tories have indicated they will slash the service and means-test SureStart so only the poorest will benefit from its services.

In her speech at the opening ceremony Kate Hoey said 'this government will go down in history for setting up children's centres'.

If you support SureStart Children's Centres you can join the 'Shout out for a SureStart campaign'.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Local councillors to oppose development

Developers have submitted their application to redevelop the Fire Brigade's buildings at 8 Albert Embankment, Whitgift Street, and the corner of Black Prince Road and Newport Street.

You can see all the details of the plans on Lambeth's Planning Database

Local councillors were surprised to be told that only 32 of the 360 proposed flats will be affordable. Lambeth's target for all new buildings is 50%.

Councillor Mark Harrison said 'we are planning to oppose this development, as 10% is a derisory proportion of affordable housing. New developments need to benefit everybody in Lambeth, and not just provide private flats for wealthy people. We understand that the developers are paying for a refurbished fire station, but we don't think this is an excuse for not providing affordable housing.'

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Kennington Cross to get cycle racks – at last!

Transport for London have finally agreed to implement long awaited cycle racks at Kennington Cross, after lobbying by local councillors, the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Forum and Val Shawcross AM.

In a written response to Val Shawcross, Mayor Boris Johnson, who is Chair of Transport for London (TfL) stated that TfL were now engaged with the project and gave an implementation date of May this year.

Val said ‘I’m glad that TfL have finally got on board with this one – the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Forum and the local councillors have been calling for this sensible move for ages. The site, outside the Dog House pub, is ideally located and suitable for cycle racks and the scheme will contribute to the overall project to create a local identity for Kennington Cross. The Forum members have raised with me that there is nowhere for anyone visiting the area, for example to go to the Durning Library to chain a bike, except the railings around the listed toilets. So it’s great news that TfL are now listening and the improvements should happen over the next few months.’

· Mayor Boris Johnson’s full answer to Val read:

Cycle Racks – Kennington Cross

Question No: 219 / 2010

Valerie Shawcross

The Kennington and Oval Forum have contacted me about the need for Cycle Racks at Kennington Cross particularly for local cyclists. An area outside the Dog House on Kennington Road is a suitable place supported by local residents and Lambeth Council. There appears to be a lack of support for the request at TfL. Please can you ensure that TfL engages with this project and supports this request for cycle racks?

Answer from the Mayor:

I am pleased to confirm that Transport for London has engaged with this project, supports this request and that this location is on the action list. A site inspection has taken place with further investigative work required before implementation can proceed. TfL has scheduled the implementation of this scheme to take place in May 2010.

New Lambeth youth mayor elected

A new Youth Mayor for Lambeth has been elected after 10,000 votes were cast in the Lambeth Youth elections. This is an amazing turnout of young people who are regularly dismissed as 'apathetic'.

The Lib Dems sadly rejected the initiative, calling it a 'gimmick'.

The new youth mayor and member of youth parliament were announced during a colourful ceremony on Friday at the Town Hall. This year's elections were the closest ever which meant a re-count of all votes took place a few hours before the formal announcement. Lambeth's new youth mayor, Darren Tenkorang (pictured far right), scooped the top post with 967 votes from young people who live, work and study in the borough.

Young people between 11 to 19 voted online and at polling stations in 12 Lambeth schools. Darren, 15, won a closely-fought campaign by just 28 votes. The second highest vote saw 16-year-old Sara Zouhir (pictured second from right with the Mayor of Lambeth) from Lambeth Academy announced as deputy youth mayor for Lambeth.Darren is a student at Bishop Thomas Grant School in Streatham and lives in Brixton."As Lambeth Youth Mayor I hope to destroy the stereotype the youth have. Youth of today are looked upon as rebellious teenagers who wear black hoods and roam the streets at night," he said. "I hope to achieve my goal by uniting the community. I hope to break down the barriers between the youth and the police, and most importantly, I would like to unite secondary school students together."

It was another close call for Lambeth's next member of youth parliament (MYP). Sixteen-year-old Stephanie Harb (pictured second from left) beat fellow candidate, 14-year-old Daniel Longe (pictured left) by only 19 votes. Archbishop Tenninson's School student Daniel is Lambeth's Deputy MYP and will stand alongside Stephanie to organise events and projects, run campaigns and influence decision-makers on issues that matter most to young people in Lambeth.

Lambeth is one of only four London authorities, and only ten nationally, to have a directly elected youth mayor. The Lambeth Youth Mayor and their advisory panel will have an annual budget of £25,000 to help make the changes that young people want to see. The newly elected candidates will take on their posts from April 2010.

Notice of parking changes in Kennington



(Note: This notice is about proposals to lengthen the disabled persons’ parking places in the Kennington “K” Controlled Parking Zone and to remove others that are no longer needed, and to make various changes to the layout and type of other parking places and the operational times of the waiting restrictions in parts of that controlled parking zone. Objections or other representations may be made – see paragraph 7).

1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the London Borough of Lambeth proposes to make the Lambeth (Kennington) (Parking Places) (No. -) Order 201-, the Lambeth (Free Parking Places) (Disabled Persons) (No. -) Order 201-, the Lambeth (Free Parking Places) (Limited Time) (No. -) Order 201- and the Lambeth (Waiting and Loading Restriction) (Amendment No. -) Order 201-, under sections 6, 45, 46, 49 and 124 of and Part IV of Schedule 9 to the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

2. The general effect of the Orders would be, in the Kennington “K” Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ), to:

(a) lengthen to at least 6.6 metres all the disabled persons’ parking places situated in Aveline Street, Brook Drive, Bondway, Bonnington Square, Caldwell Street, Cardigan Street, Carroun Road, Claylands Road, Cranworth Gardens, Denny Street, Dorset Road, Durand Gardens, Elias Place, Fentiman Road, Hackford Road, Handforth Road, Hanover Gardens, Heyford Avenue, Hillyard Street, Juxon Street, Kennington Road (the length that lies south of the Old Town Hall - also known as Milverton Street), Liberty Street, Lollard Street, Meadow Road, Morat Street, Mowll Street, Offley Road, Orsett Street, Prima Road, Renfrew Road, Rita Road, Sancroft Street, South Island Place, Vauxhall Grove, Walnut Tree Walk and Whitgift Street, except where two disabled persons’ parking places are situated next to each other in which case these would be converted into one parking place having a length of at least 13 metres;

(b) remove certain existing disabled persons’ parking places from Bonnington Square, Caldwell Street, Cleaver Square, Cranworth Gardens, Dorset Road, Fentiman Road, Hackford Road, Hillyard Street, Kennings Way, Kennington Oval, Meadow Road, Richborne Terrace and Vauxhall Grove;

(c) reduce the parking space adjacent to the disabled persons’ parking places specified in paragraph (a) above, to accommodate the longer parking places, and lengthen any parking space adjacent to the disabled persons’ parking places specified in paragraph (b) above to replace the removed parking space;

(d) introduce new or extend existing residents’ parking places in Newport Street and Wincott Street;

(e) introduce new or extend existing shared-use residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking places in Ashmole Street, Lambeth High Street, Rita Road and Wincott Street;

(f) introduce new or extend existing shared-use residents’/business parking places in Brook Drive and Stannary Street;

(g) remove a residents’ parking place from Fentiman Road (outside Nos. 57/59) and replace it with single yellow line waiting restrictions (operating during zone hours) and a shared-use residents’/business parking place from Ashmole Street (at the side of No. 81) and replace it with “at any time” waiting restrictions (double yellow lines);

(h) convert a business parking place in Chester Way and shared-use residents’/business parking places in Ashmole Street, Chester Way and Stannary Street into shared-use residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking places;

(i) convert 5 metres of residents’ parking space in Mowll Street and Crewdson Road into solo motor cycle parking areas;

(j) convert two residents’ parking places in Meadow Road into shared-use residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking place;

(k) convert a length of shared-use residents’/business parking space in Randall Road and a residents’ parking place in Vauxhall Grove into free, short-stay parking places (see paragraph 3);

(l) to shorten a residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking place by 2 metres, extend another by 6 metres and introduce a new residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking place in Hillyard Street;

(m) to re-arrange the layout of parking places on the west side of Liberty Street by shortening some and replacing them with “at any time” waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) and extending the length of others with an overall increase in the amount of parking space;

(n) to re-arrange the layout of parking places in Bowden Street by removing the ones on the west side and replacing them with “at any time” waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) and providing new shared-use residents’/business/4-hour pay and display parking places on the east side, with a small overall increase in the amount of parking space;

(o) remove a motorcycle parking area from Claylands Road (at the side of No. 26 Clapham Road) and replace it with single yellow line waiting restrictions (operating during zone hours);

(p) introduce “at any time “ waiting restrictions on vehicles (double yellow lines) in lengths of Ashmole Street, Bowden Street, Glasshouse Walk, Lambeth High Street, Liberty Street, Newport Street, New Spring Gardens Walk and Tinworth Street (instead of the single yellow line waiting restrictions that currently apply between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays);

(q) to allow residents and business users at Nos. 38 to 58 Kennington Park Road (even numbers inclusive) to apply for permits to park in the Kennington “K” CPZ sub-zone.

3 The short-stay parking places specified in sub-paragraph 2(k) above would operate from 8.30 am until 6.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays (excluding Christmas Day, Good Friday and Bank Holidays) during which time vehicles may wait free of charge for periods of up to 30 minutes at a time, with no return to the parking place within 2 hours of leaving it. Apart from this, the hours of operation of the parking places, the classes of vehicle which may use them, the charges for their use and any time limits, would be those currently applying in similar parking places in the adjacent area.

4. The Orders are necessary to meet changes in demand for different types of parking space in the Kennington “K” CPZ, whilst maintaining road safety and the flow of traffic and continuing to protect the available on-street parking space for residents, their visitors and local businesses and providing parking space for short term use and for other road users. The disabled persons’ parking places would be varied to improve parking facilities for disabled persons and removed where they are no longer needed.

5 If you have any enquiries about the proposed Orders, please telephone 0207 926 9000 and select the option for transport and highways enquiries.

6. Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposed Orders (including drawings) are available for inspection between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive (except on Bank Holidays), until the last day of a period of six weeks beginning with the date on which the Orders are made or, as the case may be, the Council decides not to make the Orders, at: the offices of Lambeth Borough Council's Transport and Highways Group, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP. To arrange a viewing please contact 020 7926 9000 and select the Transport and Highways option.

7. All objections and other representations relating to the proposed Orders must be made in writing and all objections must specify the grounds on which they are made and should be sent to Barbara Poulter, Transport and Highways Group, London Borough of Lambeth, 3rd Floor, Blue Star House, 234-244 Stockwell Road, London SW9 9SP, by 8th March 2010.

Dated 15th February 2010
Head of Transport and Highways
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL