A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Update on ward purse projects

Earlier in the year councillors in Prince's ward selected several projects to benefit from funding from the 'ward purse' - a special fund from Lambeth Council.

Here's an update on the projects:

Archbishop Sumner Primary School Eco Garden
The Friends of Archbishop Sumner School applied to erect a greenhouse in their eco-garden, at the corner of Kennington Road and Reedworth Street. The greenhouse has now been erected, and pupils at the school are making use of the growing facilities there.

Tree of Hope
A project to light up a tree as a symbol of hope against violent crime in the area. After many travails, notably with TfL, the lights have now finally been installed. They are expecting their electrical inspection and certificate on Monday 27th June. However, a formal “switch on” will take place, probably in September, when the evenings become darker.

Creative Sparkworks
A project providing art, craft & media activities at their workshop in the Lilian Baylis Old School for which it needed running water, electrical work for heating and kiln installation. This Ward Purse project is complete.

A “reserve” project, to make four rather than the allowed three in Prince’s Ward. The long term plan is to convert a disused Victorian gentlemen’s convenience into an arts centre. The Ward Purse funding was for initial security works, so that further work could proceed without fear of theft of items for architectural salvage. As a reserve project, this commenced somewhat later than the others, so is a little further behind the others and only received the funding mid June.

Pictured: Councillor Mark Harrison outside the Kennington Cross toilets earmarked to become the 'ArtsLav project.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Labour action at the Lambeth Country Show

Around 100 000 people passed through Brockwell Park last weekend for the 35th Lambeth Country Show.

The show had everything from jousting to vegetables, from fun fairs to sheep shearing.

On Sunday Labour councillors lent a hand by running a litter pick, spending an hour sweeping the park to remove litter and debris.

Pictured: volunteers Raphael, Mark, Lorna, Pete and Tina, in front of the Labour party book stall.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Lambeth Country Show - this weekend!

London's biggest free outdoor festival, the Lambeth Country Show, will once again be held in Brockwell Park on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 July. This free event is not one to be missed!

Throughout the weekend Brockwell Park will be filled with a wide variety of music and entertainment - see this year's programme. There will be arts and craft available to buy and try, trade stalls and horticulture competitions. With hands-on activities for children and adults to enjoy with live animals from farmyard breeds to more exotic species, as well as brass bands, storytelling and a funfair, there’s something for everyone.

The festivities begin at 11am on Saturday 18 July when the array of vibrant stalls and marquees will be open for business. With an emphasis on home grown talent a variety of cherry-picked local artists will play on the main stage filling the air with music throughout the weekend.

You can see the full programme of events here.

So make sure to hop on the number 3 bus to Brockwell Park sometime over the weekend!

Pictured: An entry to last year's vegetable animal competition

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Controlled Drinking Zone for Lambeth?

Lambeth council is consulting on the introduction of a Controlled Drinking Zone (CDZ) for all public spaces in the borough and are seeking your views.

Councils can introduce CDZs as a way of dealing with alcohol-related anti-social behaviour. The introduction of CDZs allows police to confiscate alcohol in public areas within the designated zones. CDZs are not a ban on public drinking, but are intended to give police additional powers to respond to alcohol-related anti-social behaviour.

The consultation process will inform the council’s decision as to whether such powers should be applied to all public spaces or whether any smaller areas should be designated.

Below are some frequently asked questions about CDZ’s. Details of how you can take part in the consultation are near the end of the text. Please comment by 31st of July 2009.

Proposed borough-wide Controlled Drinking Zone for Lambeth

All the below information is also available at: www.lambeth.gov.uk/cdzconsultation
Information and consultation details

1. What is a controlled drinking zone (CDZ)?
A CDZ is a designated public area in which police have powers to confiscate alcohol or require a person to stop drinking. A CDZ is not a ban and does not make drinking alcohol in public an offence, unless instructed not to by an officer.

2. How do I make a comment?
You can take part in the consultation and give your views in a number of ways:
-By completing the online survey by visiting the council’s website at www.lambeth.gov.uk/cdzconsultation
-By email: you can email your views and comments to CDZ@Lambeth.gov.uk
-Or in writing: pleas send your comments to:
CDZ Consultation
London Borough of Lambeth

3. Why is the council considering introducing a borough-wide CDZ?
Alcohol related crime and disorder has been identified in locations across the borough. The Waterloo area was made a CDZ in 2003 and has been used to help address alcohol related disorder. However evaluations of other CDZs and enforcement measures have shown smaller zones commonly result in moving problems into nearby areas. We are therefore consulting on a borough-wide CDZ due to the impact of alcohol related anti social behaviour and the effects of enforcement on surrounding areas.

4. What is a public place?
For the purposes of the CDZ a “public place” is any place to which the public have access, whether by payment or otherwise with “express or implied permission”. Relevant public spaces could include streets, parks and open spaces. However private land such as a supermarket car park could be considered a public space by implied permission.

5. What powers would the police have?
The police would have the power to require a person within the CDZ not to drink alcohol in that place or to surrender any alcohol or alcohol containers in their possession. The police will be entitled to dispose of surrendered alcohol or alcohol containers in any way they consider appropriate. No paperwork or notices would be required to enforce the powers.

6. Would there be any extra policing to enforce a CDZ?
No, there will be no extra resources for police to enforce the CDZ. However each ward has its own police Safer Neighbourhood Team who patrol regularly and respond to key issues in their ward as identified by local ward panels.

7. Would it mean that drinking alcohol in public would be banned?
No, it would not be an offence to drink alcohol in a designated public place, but failure to comply with an officer’s request could result in arrest and/or a fine. The powers would be used to target anti-social drinking so the powers may not be used where someone is not causing or likely to cause anti-social behaviour.

8. Which law allows the council to introduce a CDZ?
Section 12 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 provides the police and local authority with the powers to set up ‘Designated Public Places Orders (DPPOs), but local authorities typically use more self-explanatory terms such as ‘Controlled Drinking Zones’ or ‘Alcohol Control Areas’. These all refer to the same powers and there is no legislation that bans drinking in public places.

9. Who are the council required to consult?
In addition to the notice in local press, the council are required to consult with:
• the Chief Police Officer for the area in which the public place is situated
• the Chief Police Officer and local authority of the neighbouring boroughs affected by the designation
• the Parish or Community Council for any area near to the public place which they consider may be affected by the designation
• the licensee of any licensed premises in that place which they consider may be affected by the designation
• the owners or occupiers of any land proposed to be identified.

10. Would licensed premises that have tables outside on the pavement be affected?
No, according to the law ‘a place within the curtilage of any licensed premises’ is not a designated public place covered by a CDZ so they would not be affected.

11. Would there be other measures put in place?
In recent years the council has made improvements to many areas around the borough and also taken other measures to address anti-social behaviour in public places. The council works in partnership with many agencies and will continue to do so by offering treatment and support to those with alcohol-related problems.

12. What will happen to my comments?
Your comments will be used to inform the proposal report about the development of any CDZ to be submitted and agreed by a full council committee meeting.
You have the right to withdraw or change your reponse at any time during the consultation period.

The findings of our review which will include an assessment of levels of alcohol related disorder in different areas of the borough, and wider issues of alcohol-related harm may also be used to inform decisions made by council.

When does the consultation period end?
The deadline for your comments is no later than 5.00pm, 31st of July 2009

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Leaseholder bills from Lambeth Living

Over the past couple of weeks many Lambeth Living leaseholders have been surprised by large and unexpected increases in the estimates for the coming year's service charges.

Chief Executive of Lambeth Living Cathy Deplessis attempted to explain the situation at a meeting of the North Lambeth Area Leaseholder Forum on Tuesday.

One major cause of the change to bills is the results of a review into leasehold charges which completed last month. In theory the change should result in more accurate billing. However, the new estimates are much larger than anticipated in many cases, and Cathy Deplessis apologised for the lack of communication to leaseholders about the likely impact. Lambeth Living are now conducting a review into the new policy. They promised to write to leaseholders in early August, explaining the situation and any changes that might result from that review.

Other issues that have caused the higher estimates are higher costs for insurance, fuel, and repairs and maintainance.

Councillor Mark Harrison commented, 'there have clearly been serious problems with the estimates for this year's leaseholder charges, and Cathy Deplessis has acknowledged that the service Lambeth Living have provided is unacceptable. Any leaseholder who wants help querying their bill is welcome to contact their councillor, who will be happy to help out. Leaseholders have suffered from terrible services for many years, and it's about time they began to see some improvements'.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Weighing up the success of the Kennington fete

Yesterday's Kennington fete in Cleaver Square was a huge success.

Labour councillors Steve Morgan and Mark Harrison contributed to the day by running a 'guess the weight of the cakes' stall, with two cakes won by the two people who guessed the weights most accurately. The stall raised over £40 for good causes. It was also a great chance to catch up with dozens of local residents.

The fete included fantastic food from businesses such as the Lobster Pot and the Kennington Tandoori, stalls, and information about local groups like the KOV and the Friend of Kennington Park. Kate Hoey MP and Lambeth Mayor Christopher Wellbelove visited to join in the fun.

Pictured: Karim Palant weighs up the cakes, as Councillor Steve Morgan looks on.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Coach parking problem continues

The problem of coach parking on the streets of the Vauxhall was highlighted this weekend, when dozens of coaches lined both sides of Tyers Street, making it virtually impassable.

At the Full Council meeting on Wednesday 8 July Prince's ward Councillor Mark Harrison asked what progress had been made towards banning coaches from the estate's streets.

The answer was as follows:

Transport and Highways officers are currently exploring options for banning coach parking in the streets around Vauxhall Gardens. One option under consideration is that of extending the Controlled Parking Zone operating hours to include Sundays when coach parking is a particular problem in the area. It is anticipated that proposals will be taken to consultation with the local residential and business community and coach operators in October or November 2009 with a view to implementation in the early months of 2010.

Councillor Sally Prentice, Lambeth Cabinet Member for the Environment, followed up this answer with a commitment to look at options that simply banned coaches, without affecting the ability of residents' visitors to park on the streets at weekend. She promised to work hard to find a resolution to this long-running problem.

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Police raids to tackle dangerous dogs

Early morning raids across north Lambeth took place today as a large scale operation to tackle dangerous dogs was launched.

The operation, led by Lambeth Police and supported by the new MPS Status Dog Unit, the RSPCA and Lambeth Council, targeted individuals suspected of owning dangerous dogs, breeding prohibited breeds and organising dog fighting.

Officers seized 20 dogs, including a bitch and her six puppies, under the Dangerous Dogs Act. No arrests were made.

Inspector Allen Davis, from Lambeth borough, said:

"The operational activity by Lambeth Police is in response to huge community concerns relating to a minority of people, some of whom may be linked to gangs, who completely and utterly misuse potentially dangerous dogs in order to promote fear and intimidate others. We are fully committed to seizing dogs from such people and will be working with our partners in the Local Authority and RSPCA to promote responsible dog ownership."

Superintendent Clive Wakeley, who led the operation, said:

"The aim of the day was not only to seize dangerous dogs but target irresponsible dog owners and also to reassure the local community and show them that we are serious about making Lambeth a safer place."

The move follows the establishment of a specialist unit within the Met to tackle the problem. It followed representations from Labour London Assembly Member Val Shawcross, who was alerted to the serious problem in Kennington and Vauxhall at a meeting of the KOV Forum.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

North Lambeth People’s Expo ‘People and Places’

A Community Event is being organised jointly by Waterloo Community Coalition (WaCoCo) and Kennington Oval and Vauxhall (KOV) Forum

Waterloo Action Centre
14 Baylis Road

10 October 2009
12-4.00 pm

All North Lambeth residents and organisations will be invited to attend. The organisers would like to know at this stage if you would like to take part. Their proposals include:

• A ‘market place’ of service provision in North Lambeth. We would like service providers from the voluntary, community and public sectors to display information and promote what they do
• Free refreshments
• Free entertainment
• Family activities
• Opportunities including demonstrations and cultural displays for everyone to get involved
• £500 grant will be available to two North Lambeth organisations, to be decided by public vote at the event
• Question Time session – involving key local representatives/providers

The theme for this event is People and Places. The event is designed to increase opportunities for people to find out more about their local services, put questions to providers and to find out how they can get more involved in this area.

The event will provide opportunities for:

• The promotion of local volunteering
• Networking and information sharing between services and agencies
• A valuable opportunity for engagement between the community and your service or organisation on current and future work
• Asking questions of key individuals – those providing services and community leaders.

The organisers would like you to be part of this exciting event, whether by:
• having a stall,
• providing a 15 minute entertainment slot,
• applying for a grant,
• promoting the event to your members/client or
• sponsoring the event.

Space is obviously limited, so please contact David Fisher at david.fisher@wcdg.org.uk by the 18th of September at the latest so as to let the organisers know how you would like to participate. Stalls will be allocated on the basis of relevance to the theme, relevance to the North Lambeth wide community and the overall contribution they will make to the visitors’ experience at the event. Please therefore provide us with some detail such as what you would like to have on
your stall and what entertainment you would like to provide.

Pictured: visitors at the last North Lambeth Expo, in January 2008.
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL