Lambeth's Labour Cabinet yesterday approved a rent increase of 3.14% (£2.60 extra per week) and a 5.75% rise in tenant service charges. Both of these figures are in line with the government's recommended figures.
Lambeth housing tenants will also see the repairs budget increase with a further £3.3 million going forward into providing repairs and new windows to help enable all Lambeth residents a comfortable property to live in.
Lambeth housing tenants will also see the repairs budget increase with a further £3.3 million going forward into providing repairs and new windows to help enable all Lambeth residents a comfortable property to live in.
Labour will continue to work with Lambeth Living to find the most effective way of finding savings and help to reduce the deficit left by the previous Liberal Democrat and Conservative administration. There is still a lot of hard to work to do to help get Lambeth tenants into suitable housing as well as complete the extensive repairs project.
Cllr Lib Peck, cabinet member for housing and regeneration said: 'We have listened to what our tenants have said – that is why we are working to secure the smallest possible increase of £2.60 per week. This is in line with Government guidelines.
I am pleased that we have managed to secure an extra investment of £3.3 million into repairs; and to freeze any increases in hot water and heating charges.
'We remain firmly committed to working closely with Lambeth Living in the next few weeks to agree a workable and reasonable housing management fee for them to provide housing services for Lambeth tenants.'
Pictured: tenants at Dumain House will be pleased that the rent increase has been kept to a minimum
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