Transport for London have finally agreed to implement long awaited cycle racks at Kennington Cross, after lobbying by local councillors, the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Forum and Val Shawcross AM.
In a written response to Val Shawcross, Mayor Boris Johnson, who is Chair of Transport for London (TfL) stated that TfL were now engaged with the project and gave an implementation date of May this year.
Val said ‘I’m glad that TfL have finally got on board with this one – the Kennington, Oval and Vauxhall Forum and the local councillors have been calling for this sensible move for ages. The site, outside the Dog House pub, is ideally located and suitable for cycle racks and the scheme will contribute to the overall project to create a local identity for Kennington Cross. The Forum members have raised with me that there is nowhere for anyone visiting the area, for example to go to the Durning Library to chain a bike, except the railings around the listed toilets. So it’s great news that TfL are now listening and the improvements should happen over the next few months.’
· Mayor Boris Johnson’s full answer to Val read:
Cycle Racks – Kennington Cross
Question No: 219 / 2010
Valerie Shawcross
The Kennington and Oval Forum have contacted me about the need for Cycle Racks at Kennington Cross particularly for local cyclists. An area outside the Dog House on Kennington Road is a suitable place supported by local residents and Lambeth Council. There appears to be a lack of support for the request at TfL. Please can you ensure that TfL engages with this project and supports this request for cycle racks?
Answer from the Mayor:
I am pleased to confirm that Transport for London has engaged with this project, supports this request and that this location is on the action list. A site inspection has taken place with further investigative work required before implementation can proceed. TfL has scheduled the implementation of this scheme to take place in May 2010.
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