A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Names for new housing blocks

An application has been received to assign five of the following names to the five new blocks on the site of Kerrin Point, Hotspur Street, SE11:

Prichard House

Marson Court

Hammond Court

William King House

Crecy Court

Oakley House

Aragon Court

The following names have been proposed as a result of research undertaken by the Lambeth Archives:

Trade directories from 1861 to 1920 list William Prichard, Henry Marson and Walter Oakley among the names of people who traded in the immediate vicinity.

In 1871 the publican of the Black Prince Public House was James Hammond.

The site was occupied from 1881 to 1920 by William King, cab proprietor.

The Black Prince, with whom the area is associated, fought at the battle of Crecy.

The name Aragon was proposed by the applicant on the basis that Catherine of Aragon was a regular resident of the former Kennington Palace in nearby Sancroft Street prior to its demolition by Henry VIII in 1531.

Please let Councillor Steve Morgan know if you have any objections to these names: srmorgan@lambeth.gov.uk

No 2 bus route up for review

Transport for London is reviewing the contract for the No 2 bus, which passes through Vauxhall Cross.

They are asking about:

  • enhancing social inclusion
  • corridors or areas that might benefit from new or enhanced Sunday or night services.
  • areas or corridors on which you feel increased frequency or larger vehicles are needed to cater for demand
  • identifying routes which you feel are unreliable
  • ideas which improve integration with other transport modes or interchange with other bus routes or improve access to major developments
If you have any opinions on these issues please send them to Councillor Steve Morgan before the end of August: srmorgan@lambeth.gov.uk

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Vauxhall community fair

Saturday 12 July saw the All Nations Church at Vauxhall stage their annual summer fair, in the playground of Vauxhall Primary School.

Vauxhall Labour party held a stall, and spoke to many residents about their concerns and priorities for the area.

Despite the windy weather, the fair was a great success, and the All Nations Church can be congratulated for putting on an excellent event.

The next community event that Labour in SE11 are planning to attend will be the Ethelred community fun day, on Lambeth Walk Doorstep Green, on Saturday 30 July, between 1pm and 5pm. See you there!

Safer Neighbourhoods Team meeting

Thursday 10 July saw the summer's Prince's Ward Safer Neighbourhoods Team meeting taking place at the Riverbank Plaza Hotel on the Albert Embankment.

Sergeant Bob Lockyear updated a packed room about the previous month's policing. The meeting agreed that the local police's priorities should continue to be dangerous dogs, thefts from vehicles, and drug users on estates. There was particular concern about dangerous dogs. Bob reassured people that if dog owners were using their dogs in a threatening or aggresive way then people shouldn't be timid about calling 999 to report them.

If you want to contact the Prince's Safer Neighbourhoods Team then call 020 7321 7570 / 07920 233835 or email princes.snt@met.police.uk
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL