A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Friday, 27 April 2012

A very successful year for Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens

Yesterday was the AGM of the Friends of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens - an opportunity for the Friends to look back over a very successful year. Highlights have included:

  • Changing the name of the park from Spring Gardens to 'Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens' - a more distinctive and memorable name which directly references the area's 18th and 19th century heritage.
  • Paul O'Grady opening the new entrance to the park (pictured), in a ceremony which attracted large amounts of positive coverage.
  • The Vauxhall Gardens Estate Residents' & Tenants' Association successfully bidding for over £100000 to refurbish the Glasshouse Walk playground.
  • The opening of the Tea House Theatre, and re-opening of the Black Dog pub, which have brought new positive activity to the Glasshouse Walk side of the park.
  • The successful ballot to introduce the Vauxhall Business Improvement District, which will see street wardens introduced, railway viaduct tunnels improved, and other improvements in the area funded by local businesses.
  • The planning approval given to the Cabinet Gallery, which will bring a prestigious art gallery building to the park.
  • The planning approval given to the Basaveshwara statue for Albert Embankment Gardens.
  • New trees and bulbs planted by the Friends in the park.  
Things to look forward to over the coming year include:
  • Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens being part of the Olympic 'Cultural Corridor' - attracting visitors for the Games.
  • Work on the mounds behind the Vauxhall Tavern - to lower them and create a stepped amphitheatre effect.
  • Working on plans to transform Goding Street.
  • Interest from many organisations about holding more events in the park.
  • Investigating the possibility of a mural on the back wall of the Tavern.
  • A VGERTA/ Tea House Theatre Diamond Jubilee street party.
In 2006 a survey showed the park was perceived as being the least safe park in Lambeth. Thanks to the hard work of the Friends and the Council, the park is transformed. The new entrance in particular has reduced crime and the fear of crime dramatically. The Friends continue to do an excellent job and deserve the community's full support!

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Friends of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens AGM

The AGM will be held on Thursday 26 April at 6pm.

Come along and show your support for a park which is transforming and a Friends group which is changing things for the better.

Venue to be announced shortly - close to the park.

For more information visit the Friends' website.

Kennington Park Flower Garden Heritage Lottery Fund Bid

The Friends of Kennington Park and Lambeth Council are making an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a grant towards the £200,000 needed to restore the Flower Garden.

Created in 1921, the Flower Garden is one of the park’s highlights - or should be. Despite great efforts by the park’s gardening team, time, wear and tear and anti-social behaviour have taken their toll. Although well loved by some people, it isn’t used by very many because of its condition and fears over security.

We need to look at everything in the garden - from the edge treatments and walls, pergola, paving and benches, to the plants and planting scheme, from the sundial to anti-social behaviour.

Such a comprehensive revamp means a lot of money and the involvement of the local community.

What’s the process?

The Friends of Kennington Park and Lambeth Council have sounded out the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) about how to secure the money.

We need to show that a newly restored garden would be well used by local people and that it has a heritage that is worth both protecting and sharing.

We have now been encouraged by HLF to submit a Stage One application by early June.

What’s involved in a Stage One Application?

The key part of this stage is getting ideas from local people and stakeholders about the future of the Flower Garden. We need to gather ideas, suggestions, concerns and aspirations so are running a consultation workshop from 2.30-4.30pm on 16 April at the café in the park.

What happens next?

If our Stage One application is successful, we’ll turn our ideas into detailed design proposals and draft anActivities Plan which will detail how we’ll increase usage of the garden – and the understanding of its heritage.

If Stage One is successful, we move on to Stage Two. That’s the bit where we actually ask for the cash! If we get it, we expect the newly restored garden to be opened by Summer 2014.

How you can help

· Come along to the workshop on 16 April at the café. Tell us what would help improve use of the Flower Garden. What you love about the Flower Garden. What you would change and what would you like to see in a new garden.

If you can’t come to the event please request a questionnaire from the Friends.

This is your chance to play a key part in the regeneration of one of the park’s most important features – and make it a lovely spot for everyone to enjoy once more. Please get involved and help us create the Flower Garden our park deserves.

Changes at St Luke's centre, Wincott Street

The West London Mission own the St Luke’s building and for the last few years it has been the home of ’The Haven’ a registered care home for men with chronic alcohol dependency. At the end of March The Haven is moving to a new site in Islington. Once The Haven have moved on to North London, West London Mission will be renting the building to Thames Reach as a temporary location for their hostel which is normally based in Waterloo. The hostel will be based in Kennington until the beginning of September while the hostel in Waterloo is refurbished.

Who are Thames Reach?
Thames Reach is a London- based charity helping homeless and vulnerable people to find decent homes, build supportive relationships and lead fulfilling lives. Their long term vision is to not only end street homelessness but also offer real opportunities for vulnerable adults to become a part of a strong community through volunteering, training and employment.

What does the Stamford Street Hostel do?
Stamford Street hostel is a mixed hostel which houses people who have been homeless and who have a local connection to the London Borough of Lambeth. They work with residents to improve their quality of life and help them to find suitable long term housing. The hostel will be staffed by a professional team who are on site 24 hours a day with a minimum of two staff in the building at all times. The project also has a dedicated team of psychologists who are based on site supporting and guiding residents to make positive changes in their life style.

Relationship with the local community
The hostel wants to develop strong links with the community and be open and transparent about how they manage the hostel. They have developed a local management plan which will include daily walks around the area to ensure we aware of any issues, liaison with the local stores about alcohol sales and would also welcome monthly meetings with the local neighbours to discuss any issues and to keep you abreast of our work. The hostel team are committed to work closely and sensitively with our neighbours. If our residents behave anti-socially they will deal with this in a robust manor, and involve the authorities where this is appropriate. They will always respond promptly to concerns raised and will take action to manage any problems. They will be working closely with the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team and we have already met with the Lambeth Area Crime Reduction Manager, Hannah Wadey, about their move and how they can ensure minimal disruption to the neighbourhood.

A meeting has already been held with local residents who have been provided with contact details for the people running the centre.

Beaufoy Institute planning applications

Planning applications for the two parts of the Beaufoy Institute site have now been submitted.

You can now visit the Council's planning site to view the plans and comment on them.


The plans are as follows.

REF: 12/01173/RG4
Erection of a new part 3/part 8 storey buildings comprising of 75 new residential units on the southern part of the site, including landscaping, cycle parking and associated works. 39 Black Prince Road London SE11 6JJ

Change of use to provide residential institute (Use Class C2), residential (Use Class C3) and community (Use Class D1), (24 private bedrooms, 1 dormitary and 2 self contained flats), involving a 3 storey rear extension and a ground, first and second floor extensions. Alterations to the existing fenestration with the removal of an external staircase, replacement of existing single glazed windows with crittal double glazed windows. Formation of a terrace to the rear elevation, with the installation of a ramp. Installation of solar panels and replacement of existing rooflights to the rear elevation. Internal alterations to include, removal and installation of new partition walls, creation of new staircases and corridors. Installation of new pedestrian and vehicular access gates with the provision of off street car parking, cycle storage refuse and recycling and assocaiated landscaping. [Town Planning and Listed Building Consent] 39 Black Prince Road London SE11 6JJ

The two developers have provided some more information about their plans:


Following pre-application consultation, Bellway has now submitted plans
for the development of 75 new homes on the former playground behind the Beaufoy
Building on the corner of Vauxhall Street and Sancroft Street.

The homes include

  • a mix of affordable including both rented accommodation and shared ownership and private housing

  • cycle parkingon site

  • open space for residents of the scheme.

Additionally, there will be substantial section 106 contributions for local infrastructure.

Diamond Way

Planning application submitted for the Beaufoy Institute

Following local community consultation, the planning proposal to bring the historic Beaufoy Institute and Annex back to life has been submitted by Diamond Way Buddhism. The plan will:

· Fully renovate the Beaufoy Institute, with minimal changes to the listed building
· Provide space for community living including common dining and children’s areas.
· Include a contemplation garden, exhibition room and facilities for events and meetings.
· Provide accommodation for the Buddhists living at the centre and visitors.

The community consultation has highlighted interest in the history of the building and in the transformation of the derelict site. The renovation will provide opportunities for local people to be involved in the project and also visit and use the building for different events and community activities.

The primary activity in the institute will be Buddhist meditation and an associated program including art exhibitions and classes on wellbeing. Funds have been raised for the project from within the Buddhist community and have come from many activities in the last 10 years both in the UK and in Europe.

For more information, see www.buddhism-london.org. There is also a regularly updated blog at http://www.buddhism-london.org/blog

4am licence for the Mansion House, Kennington Park Road?

A new application for a Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 was received by the licensing authority on the 30 March 2012.

Premises Address: The Mansion House, 48 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4RS

Activities/times requested:

Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 04:00

Live Music
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 03:00

Recorded Music
Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 04:00

Performances of Dance
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 03:00

Entertainment Similar to Music/Dance
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 03:00

Provision of Facilities for Making Music
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 03:00

Provision of Facilities for Dancing
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 04:00

Late Night Refreshment
Monday - Sunday 23:00 - 04:00

Supply of Alcohol
Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 04:00

Please direct any queries in respect of this application to the following case officer:
Mrs Pamela Riley
Telephone: 020 7926 6164 Email: PRiley@lambeth.gov.uk

Prior to determining this application, the licensing authority may accept written representations from Responsible Authorities and Interested Parties on the likely effect of the grant of this application in relation to the licensing objectives, which are:

· Preventing crime and disorder;
· Public safety;
· Preventing public nuisance; and
· Protecting children from harm.

Representations will be disregarded if they are deemed to be vexatious, frivolous, or irrelevant, or if they are received later than the 27 April 2012.

If a valid representation (or more than one) is received and is not withdrawn, this application will be referred to a hearing of the Licensing Sub-Committee for determination. If no representations are received, the application will ordinarily be determined by the relevant Licensing Officer.

You can view all current applications, including this one, on the Council's website.

For more information please see our guide to licensing.

Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL