A site for residents of Prince's Ward, SE11, in the London Borough of Lambeth. Check for updates from your Labour Action Team's campaigning, local information, and meetings.

Sunday, 31 August 2008

Petition for the Cross River Tram

People across London are being urged to sign a petition asking the Mayor, Boris Johnson, to commit himself to building the Cross River Tram.

People in Lambeth were consulted about plans for the Cross River Tram last year. It would run from Camden and King's Cross to Brixton and Peckham, via Waterloo. The Brixton branch would pass through Kennington, possibly down Kennington Road. The tram would dramatically increase public transport capacity, and reduce demand for overcrowded tubes and buses. You can find out more about the plans here

Labour former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone was a strong supporter of the scheme, but new Tory Mayor Boris Johnson has been lukewarm about supporting the proposals. The petition seeks to show how strongly residents of south London feel about needing the tram - please sign it! The petition is here

Ethelred Fun Day

Ethelred TMO's annual fun day was as successful as ever, with hundreds of people enjoying stalls, a merry-go-round, bouncy castle, inflatable slide, and children's races. The weather was beautiful - one of the best days on the summer.

Vauxhall Labour held a stall, where residents signed a petition calling for Mayor of London Boris Johnson to support plans for a Cross River Tram, which would run from Brixton to Camden, through Kennington, relieving pressure on buses and tubes.

Saturday, 16 August 2008

New playground for Kennington Park

Children in Kennington are delighted that their exciting new playground is now open in the heart of Kennington Park. There's a new sandpit, water pump, roundabout, swings, seesaw and springers. The red play bus is a hit too. It celebrates London’s first motorised bus journey - from Victoria to Kennington in 1899, and the last public service of the 159 red London routemaster bus through Kennington in December 2005. Older children enjoy the pod swing, climber, spinning disc and swings in their own area of the playground. And parents have been relaxing on the lawns, with ample seating and picnic tables. It also features an educational Children’s Wildlife area where they can encounter special plants that encourage wildlife and learn about bugs, birds and other insects.

The Friends of Kennington Park initiated the project to improve play facilities and raised funds totalling £241,000 from Big Lottery Fund, Biffaward, London Marathon Trust, Lambeth Council and other donor. The next stage of the Friends’ “Play in the Park” project, being delivered in partnership with Lambeth, is the launch of a Nature Trail in 2009 with community events and school workshops to highlight nature in the park and improve local children’s environmental awareness.So, with a new playground, Kennington Park now makes an ideal day out in the summer holidays. And if the children have any energy left, the park has lots of sports facilities to have a go at tennis, netball, football, basketball, and cricket. Or just relax, and bring a picnic, or try out the popular park cafĂ©.

For further information contact: friends@kenningtonpark.org
Promoted by David Amos and Joanne Simpson of Prince's Branch Labour Party (Vauxhall Constituency and Lambeth Borough) all at 264A Rosendale Road, SE24 9DL